Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress are visiting Okinawa Prefecture for the first time since their accession to the throne on the 22nd to attend the opening ceremony of the "National Cultural Festival" and other events.

On the night of the 22nd, I had a meeting with people involved in the commemorative ceremony for the 50th anniversary of Okinawa's reversion to the mainland, which was held in May this year.

On the 22nd, Their Majesties arrived in Okinawa Prefecture and visited the "National Okinawa War Cemetery" in Itoman City, the site of the last fierce battle of the Battle of Okinawa.

He also talked with the bereaved families who had gathered, and listened to each and every one of their stories far beyond the scheduled time.

In addition, on the night of the 22nd, at the hotel in Ginowan City where they were staying, five people attended the commemorative ceremony for the 50th anniversary of Okinawa's reversion to the mainland, which was held online in May this year, with Their Majesties attending. I had a chat with him.

Their Majesties wear Kariyushi, Okinawa's formal attire, and among the five high school students who will perform the chorus at the opening ceremony of the "National Cultural Festival" to be held in Ginowan City on the 23rd, the Emperor said, "I'm looking forward to it. Please have a meaningful school life.”

In addition, the Empress asked a female university student who is helping children who are having trouble eating due to the effects of the new coronavirus, "Is your activity spreading? It's a good activity."

Their Majesties will visit Okinawa for the first time since their accession to the throne, and their first visit together since 1997 in 25 years.

On the morning of the 23rd, Their Majesties will attend the opening ceremonies of the "National Cultural Festival" and the "National Art and Cultural Festival for Persons with Disabilities" and will return to Tokyo on the evening of the 23rd.

Survivors of "Tsushima Maru" who had a talk

Masakatsu Takara (82), one of the five people who met with Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress, was a survivor of the Tsushima Maru, a school evacuation ship that was sunk by American forces during the Pacific War and killed many children. is.

In 2004, the Tsushima Maru Memorial Hall was opened in Naha City, and in 2014, when the Emperor and Empress visited the museum, I acted as the chairman of the board and acted as a guide.

Looking back, he recalls, "I spoke very slowly and calmly to each of the bereaved families and survivors one by one, and I remember the whole story. It was a very caring and enveloping way of speaking." increase.

The memorial hall is lined with photographs of many of the people who died.

Mr. Takara himself lost nine people, including his parents and siblings who were on the Tsushima Maru with him.

Their Majesties will not be visiting the memorial hall this time, but I hope that they will visit the museum at the next opportunity.

Mr. Takara said, ``It's not just soldiers who die in wars, it's not just adults who die. was talking

During the meeting on the night of the 22nd, I told Their Majesties, "I would like you to come to the Tsushima Maru Memorial Museum." I think that I have a deep feeling about it, ”he said.

High school students performing a chorus

Maki Hasegawa, a high school student who will perform the chorus at the opening ceremony of the "National Cultural Festival" to be held on the 23rd, said, "I was able to participate in the chorus at the 50th anniversary ceremony, but the Emperor and Empress also listened and They said they were moved. I was very nervous at the time, but I was very happy that Their Majesties could tell that they had fun while singing."