She stressed that the theater needs more support and attention

Samira Ahmed: The artist's retirement does not mean ignoring his history.. (Video)

  • Samira Ahmed: I sensed high energy in the new generation during the launch of the Dubai Festival for Youth Theater.

    Photography: Ahmed Ardeti


The artist Samira Ahmed expressed her happiness for being chosen as the Person of the Year at the 13th Dubai Festival for Youth Theater by the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture), noting that the source of her joy is that cultural institutions in the UAE do not forget the absent and retired, but rather honor them as much as they can , unlike some other actors who see that the artist's retirement from acting means his complete absence, ignoring him and not benefiting from his experiences.

The Emirati star added in her interview with "Emirates Today", that she "desires to provide all her technical expertise in the field of development and support, and everything the youth theater needs," as she believes that "this experience and knowledge is a trust, and the new generation has the right to benefit from it, especially Her retirement from acting does not mean stopping work in all its forms.

And about the reality of youth theater, she said: "I attended the opening of the festival, and I sensed the high energy of this generation, and the apparent love for theater, and it can be confirmed that if these energies employ the elements that increase their creativity, they will explode and present their best."

She added: "I can only express my thanks for the containment and support that (Dubai Culture) is doing for the youth theater, but there is a need for more support and attention, and there must be a special and sustainable strategy, so that (Abu al-Funun) is not marginalized and given attention to it. Abbreviated effectively once a year.

Samira Ahmed called for the need to pay attention to the presentation of a strategy by the relevant bodies, saying that "what we are witnessing today in support for theater is weak support," hoping that institutions will re-calculate and play their real role, and provide more attention to creators and playwrights.


Regarding the gap between pioneers and youth in the world of theater, Samira Ahmed said that “this gap has become more wide, and this appeared at the opening of the Dubai Festival for Youth Theater, as there was almost an absence of associations that should support young people, including the Playwrights Association and the Arab Theater Authority, These institutions must be in place to support young people, because they are the extension of the adult theater in the future.”

She continued about the theater's problems, specifically the scarcity of texts: "The crisis of texts is spreading in the Arab world, while in the West there are writing workshops in which a group of writers cooperate to present one work, and it is an important experience that raises the level of texts, and institutions should pay attention to this type of work."

She pointed to what she described as selfish at times by a number of writers, as some do not want anyone to participate in working on the text, because they want it to be attributed to them alone.

And on how to attract the audience to the world of the stage, Samira Ahmed held the playwrights responsible, they should present important shows, taking into account that they need large budgets, whether the requirements for the training of the actors, or even the full completion of the work, calling for “the need to support the theater from all sides.” Government, and not only by cultural institutions, as it must be supported in an integrated manner, especially since drama and theater are able to play an important role in culture, as well as in presenting the messages of all institutions in the country.

Another turn

Samira Ahmed confirmed that her retirement from acting after spending 40 years in theater and drama, does not mean her inability to play another role, noting that the retired artist is dealt with as being in a state of isolation, although moving away from acting for special reasons does not mean complete absence. Experiences that can be employed in implementation, supervision and arbitration committees.

She added, "There is a disregard for the retired artist, so that invitations to attend festivals do not reach him, and dealing with him is unfair to his history and what he presented.

Samira Ahmed worked - after her retirement from standing in front of the camera and on the stage - as an executive producer in the production of a group of programs concerned with the family with a number of ministries. This period of her life, titled "Warrior's Rest" period.

She explained that "those programs that she produced proved her presence, and it is a popular and popular content, as she worked with a number of organizations, and raised many family issues that were absent," pointing out that the programs were broadcast at important times, during the going and return of people to and from Work, which are popular times.

She stressed that the family is being targeted at this time, especially as the new generation is busy with work and jobs, and any resource that provides important information in education carries great importance for them.

• Samira Ahmed expressed her thanks to "Dubai Culture" for choosing the Person of the Year in the 13th edition of the Dubai Festival for Youth Theater.

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Emirati star:

• “Theatre should be supported from all sides, not just by cultural institutions... Drama and theater are able to play an important role in culture.”

Trustees in the transfer of identity

The artist Samira Ahmed called on everyone to “account oneself” and to ask questions about the extent to which society needs and what is really required to be provided, and was everyone honest in conveying the culture and identity of society?

She said: "The nation is in the hands of everyone, citizens and residents, as minds capable of enriching culture and benefiting from its experiences live in this country, as the UAE is characterized by a lot of diversity."

She stressed the need to pay more attention to theater. In the beginning, there was richness, but today, despite the developments taking place in the country, "Abu al-Funun" has witnessed a decline.

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