At just 30 years old, John Boyega has carved out a place for himself in the cinematographic landscape.

Popularized by his roles in

Attack the Block

and, of course, in

Star Wars

, we recently found him in

The Woman King

, still showing in some cinemas.

But it is clear that the actor has received no major role on the small screen, even though his appearance in Steve McQueen's mini-series

Small Ax

has been widely acclaimed.

A gap he would like to fill, well aware that series offer “creative opportunities” different from cinema.

"(Shows) provide the opportunity to be able to develop a character over time, and create a level of familiarity that you can't always get with a movie," he told Deadline.

And while John Boyega shouldn't have any trouble finding television roles, he may well be provoking fate with a more personal project being developed through his company UpperRoom Productions.

Top secret

“We will potentially give birth to something,” added John Boyega, however refusing to give any details.

“It's something very secret, but it could be a potential project if we manage to carry it out.

All I can say is that we are in the development stage.


That should be enough to make the mouths of producers, distributors and other streaming platforms alike.

And little doubt that if he produces the series of his dreams, John Boyega will not fail to camp there the first role!

Movie theater

John Boyega had to leave the shooting of his last film for “family reasons”


John Boyega wants to embody James Bond, but if Steve McQueen is behind the camera

  • People

  • Star Wars

  • Video

  • Actor

  • Series

  • Movie theater