A young Egyptian artist raises controversy with a picture on the sea with Mohamed Salah

The name of the Egyptian artist, Diana Hisham, was mentioned in the list of the most popular topics on search engines, with a picture with Liverpool player and Egyptian star Mohamed Salah.

The pioneers of social networking sites in Egypt circulated a picture of the young artist with the "Egyptian Pharaoh" in a coastal city, wondering about her timing and scenes.

The young artist responded to the comments that came in the thousands, stressing that the picture was by chance with the international football player.

Diana Hisham was a guest on a program for the Egyptian media, Mona El-Shazly, on the "CBC" channel, and she recounted the details, saying: "I was in a coastal city, and suddenly I was with sports media Shaima Saber on the beach, and I met Mohamed Salah walking next to us," noting that he is characterized by With great humility.

She added: "As soon as he saw that we wanted to imagine him being close to us and he treated us with kindness and humility."

But who is Diana Hisham?

A young Egyptian actress, born on July 1, 1996, and graduated from the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts, and began her artistic career in the series "Al-Hasab Collects" in 2017, then participated in works, including the series "Welad Nine", the series "Love of My Life" in the role of Dalia, the series "Abu Al-Arousa as Maryam", a series In family size as Rania, a movie of artistic failure, a series like yesterday as Arwa, and behind every door part 2.

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