A journey with laughter at the “Book Fair” .. with “London Apartment” Tariq Al-Ali

The play will be shown between the 3rd and 5th of November.

From the source

The activities of the 41st session of the Sharjah International Book Fair, which will start on the second of next November, take the audience on a journey with laughter and entertainment, through the play “London Apartment” in a comic theatrical show, the first of its kind, which is directed to the age group of 18 and over during the event.

"London Apartment", which will be presented over a period of three days between the third and fifth of next November, is a play with a purposeful social comedy and entertainment, which is full of scenes and events that take place inside an apartment and intersect with many social issues.

A number of stars will participate in the play, including Tariq Al-Ali, Ilham Al-Fadala, and Juma Ali.

General Coordinator of the Sharjah International Book Fair, Khawla Al Mujaini, said: "We are always keen to attract all members of society in all its segments, so we decided this year to present an entertainment show for adults, to ensure that they, in turn, get a dose of entertainment and laughter in a social form that sheds light on meaningful societal issues."

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