[Live at the same time] Guqin performance

  [Explanation] The guqin, also known as the seven-stringed qin, is one of the earliest playing instruments of the Chinese nation and has been in circulation for more than 3,000 years.

As the first of the four arts of "qin, chess, calligraphy and painting", guqin is a treasure in Chinese traditional music culture.

In 2003, the Chinese Guqin art was selected as a world cultural heritage.

In recent years, the guqin has gradually developed from a niche culture to a "thousands of favorites", and more and more young people have begun to pay attention to and learn this ancient musical instrument.

Recently, the reporter came to a Guqin culture exhibition hall to find out.

  [Concurrent] Li Xu, head of Shenyang Guqin Culture Exhibition Hall

  In the beginning, we often saw many people who did not know the guqin. For example, the guqin was placed here, and many people came and said it was a guzheng or something.

However, over the past few years, whether it is the assertion of this cultural confidence, including the rise of our ancient style, many people will name me and say that I just want to learn Guqin.

  [Explanation] Many years ago, Li Xu began to learn Guqin from a teacher, and officially started teaching Guqin in 2017.

In early 2022, Li Xu and a number of piano friends established the Shenyang Guqin Culture Exhibition Hall, hoping to bring Guqin into the public eye.

  [Concurrent] Li Xu, head of Shenyang Guqin Culture Exhibition Hall

  After the opening of this pavilion, we will receive many groups of people, such as students or groups of companies, enterprises and institutions. In fact, this pavilion also provides (for) more people with a knowledge of the guqin. A platform also allows Guqin to enter everyone's field of vision.

  [Explanation] Every holiday, there will be deep and distant music in the Guqin Culture Exhibition Hall. Guqin lovers will meet friends with the guqin, exchange Guqin skills here, and feel the ancient charm of the millennium.

34-year-old Qu Teng is a middle school Chinese teacher. He has been learning Guqin with Li Xu for nearly a year. Qu Teng told reporters that getting started with Guqin is not difficult, but how to express the connotation of Guqin with his own emotions.

  [Concurrent] Guqin student Qu Teng

  Guqin is an artistic and cultural instrument. Learning other musical instruments may be more to show your talents, but learning Guqin is more about the improvement of your inner self-cultivation and cultural level. a boost.

  [Explanation] Another student of Li Xu, Yu Yakun, is a full-time mother. She said that the main purpose of learning Guqin is for parent-child education, and she tells her children the meaning of persistence through her attitude.

  [Concurrent] Guqin student Yu Yakun

  (Guqin) It will make my heart more peaceful, because in the process of educating children, sometimes I am very impatient and my temper will be very short-tempered. After learning Guqin, I will learn, one is "quiet" and the other is "harmonious". "A "far", many things as long as you calm down, you will have more gains.

  [Explanation] In the old days, Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people.

Guqin has been attracting attention from the past to the present. As for the reasons, the qin master Liu Xiaofeng also gave his own views.

  [Concurrent] Liu Xiaofeng, the non-genetic inheritor of traditional guqin-making skills

  Since ancient times, the guqin has been a must-have tool for literati and doctors.

It's because its price was relatively high in ancient times, so it was not something that a working class could get, but in recent years our motherland has been prosperous and strong, and the quality of people's cultural life is also increasing year by year, so the guqin fever is an inevitable trend.

  [Explanation] Liu Xiaofeng's family has been making qin for generations and has been in the Northeast for more than 100 years. As the fourth-generation inheritor of traditional guqin crafting skills, he has always been committed to making guqin suitable for the Northeast climate.

The guqin fever not only brought fire to the training industry, but also drove the development of guqin production.

Liu Xiaofeng told reporters that the production of guqin needs to strictly follow the tradition, because it is purely handmade, the production cycle is slow, and the annual output will not exceed 40 pieces, so the price is high, but this will not affect customers' willingness to buy.

  [Concurrent] Liu Xiaofeng, the non-genetic inheritor of traditional guqin-making skills

  Many people don't pay attention to the price and pay more attention to the quality.

We all make finished products, and then there are enthusiasts to pick them. Basically, the turnaround cycle will not exceed a week after the show, and then people will be invited away.

  [Explanation] Guqin learning is a lifelong course that requires a certain cultural background for support.

Unlike other Western musical instruments, learning guqin does not require "boy skills", and Liu Xiaofeng does not even recommend learning guqin at an early age.

At the same time, Liu Xiaofeng suggested that learning Guqin should not be in a hurry.

  [Concurrent] Liu Xiaofeng, the non-genetic inheritor of traditional guqin-making skills

  It is a state of mind, not a process. The first step in learning guqin can make people calm and calm. I hope that contemporary young people will take learning guqin as a way of life, rather than a skill to learn.

  Reported by Wang Yilin in Shenyang

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]