If the queues at service stations sometimes turn into a nightmare, this is fortunately not the case in the Chanteloup district of Aulnay-sous-bois (Seine-Saint-Denis) where a group of young people have set up head… to help motorists reach the pumps without incident.

“There, I shift them from the line, otherwise they block the passage, explains Djibril.

We are here for benevolence, so that everyone puts their fuel in quietly.

We pass the cars two by two, so everyone has the same waiting time.

“Fortunately they are there”

“Since we arrived, there have been no more fights, no more stories.

The last time, it was arguing, we managed, ”explains Biff, another young person.

"Did you see, you don't hear horns, you don't hear anything," adds Féfé.

For these young men from the neighborhood, helping the drivers of the town is rewarding: “The first time we did it, they thanked us very much.

And we are happy to help people,” enthuses Ben.

“Fortunately they are here!

It's superb, frankly, it's magnificent,” congratulates a resident of Aulnay-sous-Bois.

Discover this nice initiative in this video from our partner Brut.


Fuel shortage: The hassle of a Parisian taxi driver to refuel


Fuel prices: He closes his gas station so as not to have to sell at 2.50 euros per liter

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