Day of strike, day of speeches on wages.

At the microphone of RTL, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin called on Tuesday a "part of the employers to increase wages when possible", considering that there was "a problem of wages" in France.

"A worker, an employee who works, must be paid a fair wage," he insisted.

Asked about the extent of the strike to come, the Minister of the Interior kicked in touch: “the social weather is very difficult to predict”.

But, "what is certain is that people find that their wages have not kept up with the price increase", he adds, without turning back on the common refusal within the majority of bring wages in line with inflation.

“And they find that part of the bosses are paid and that this remuneration is disproportionate to what a part of the employees receives”, he continues.

A reference to the employees of Total, on strike for several weeks while his boss, Patrick Pouyanné, increased his salary by 52%?

“When you are sensitive to the future of your people, as is the President of the Republic”, declaims Gérald Darmanin, “we see together that yes, some of the employees must be increased”.


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  • Company

  • Gerald Darmanin

  • Strike

  • salary