Jamaica has banned the distribution of music and videos that glorify criminal activity.

The decision of the independent Commission for Radio and Television is about "decency and standards," said the Minister responsible for information, Robert Morgan, on Thursday (local time).

This does not restrict freedom of expression.

Musicians such as Grammy Award winner Stephen "Di Genius" McGregor have criticized the ban.

Songs would give the impression that violence is accepted

Among other things, the supervisory authority prohibited the distribution of songs celebrating drug use or illegal possession of weapons.

This content could create the false impression that crime is an accepted part of Jamaican culture, the ruling said.

They could also normalize illegal activities among impressionable youth.

Jamaica has had one of the highest homicide rates in the world for years.

“No one from the younger generation will still be listening to the radio voluntarily in 2022.

In my opinion, the measure should only show: Look, we are doing something," wrote Jamaican-born Di Genius on Twitter.

Such measures are ineffective.