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Trainer, writer and


with thousands of followers on social networks,

Pedro Vivar

(Madrid, July 4, 1988)

is one of the most influential promoters of healthy living

in Spain.

With over a decade of experience training celebrities and the royal family in the Middle East, he fights the bad habits that keep us from moving forward based on a millennial philosophy.

The one that has led some of the greatest leaders in history.

However, when he started his blog, Stoic Diary, Stoicism wasn't talked about as much.

"It is more fashionable than ever because

it focuses on the power of now

. Unlike religion, the guide of our grandparents, Stoicism provides young people with tools for life," says the author of titles such as

Super Sapiens


Happiness is the problem


Above all, among people who are focused on their personal growth, he points out, "and have realized that the most current gurus recover the discourse of Zeno of Citium" about the

search for virtue


However, if it were truly fashionable, he adds jokingly: "We would have

David Bisbal talking about Seneca

and Pedro Sánchez basing himself on the teachings of Marco Aurelio. Or we would turn on the news and see someone wearing a

Memento mori

T-shirt [referring to the mortality] and that doesn't happen.

Instead, he criticizes, salseo programs entertain people like his grandmother "talking about who sleeps with whom."

"It's their job and it's feten. They fulfill their function of entertaining, but

they are not making people fulfill

themselves and go to bed more satisfied. I prefer to talk about discipline, perseverance, dedication and virtuosity."

The promoter of healthy lifestyle has created his own training methodology. Eduardo Segredo


Today we want to be happier, wiser, stronger, better athletes and in many cases more successful professionals.

The return of the Stoics in a hectic 21st century is confined to the present.

"It must be said once again that

cognitive-behavioral psychology is based on Stoicism

. It was Ellis and Beck who, already in the 1950s, broke with the psychoanalytic theories of Freud and the somewhat more evolved theories of Skinner. They realized that the stimulus -response and positive reinforcement work but there is something bigger in the human being, which not only moves for pleasure and pain", he defends.

Without commandments there is nothing to cling to, he thinks, and that is why we live between stress and anxiety or even taking medication to feel better.

"Psychologists and psychiatrists do not give enough and that is because people do not have the tools to live better. Stoicism is that


or operating system that allows people to

focus on what is under their control and accept things as they are. as they come.

It has a point of indifference to both failure and success and that gives a lot of inner peace".


Does he consider himself a current guru?

"I am not an example of anything or for anyone. I take my work as a responsibility to myself. I accompany the philosophy with actions because there are already enough people talking a lot without doing anything. Responding in a somewhat Mr. Wonderful way, the world full of the things that you fill it. I like to be consistent and base myself on the

four virtues of Stoicism: wisdom, courage, moderation and justice

. What I like to see is what I try to contribute. "

It argues that much more can be done with much less by simply getting started rather than sitting back and eating the cake.

"In life,

will is more important than intelligence.

You can take your body to a higher level without stepping into a gym or without it having to be super-equipped with professional machines."

That is why he works with his own body and has developed the


program (NMP) based on energy efficiency and adaptation to the environment.

To achieve goals, it is enough to start moving steadily, he points out.

"If you add effort and dedication, patience and feeling more than thinking, you already have the job won. How many times do we not start by wanting to make everything perfect? ​​My actions show how a worldly person with a plan and a direction in the day to day achieves goals.

You become good at what you do


Whoever approaches their social profiles superficially, he admits, can take an image of arrogance.


You can see a guy without a shirt training in a park and think: 'That's crazy.'

How I am interpreted when I do push-ups is out of my control. What I can control is showing that I do push-ups today and six months from now I teach the books I read and the healthy people I associate with to a lot of young people."

The world stopped having referent philosophers and went from wondering things to saying amen, he adds: "In schools they don't teach people to create or question, but to follow patterns. And if they are not the right ones, that's when a problem is generated" .


Everything that Vivar shares today is due, in large part, to the adversity he faced after suffering a serious accident and being bedridden.

"To give you an idea, I could barely move. I was peeing through a tube below my navel. At that time when

I had to leave my job as a coach, I dedicated myself to learning

through books and the computer."

He could complain or do what he had to, he exposes.

"Multitasking doesn't exist, it's an invention. We can only do one thing at a time

. So I tried, within my tools, to do my best to take advantage of time if one day I stopped feeling bad."

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He cites Marcus Aurelius to ensure that his adversity was not a misfortune, but a happiness to be endured with courage.

And with this he does not mean that you have to look for her, he clarifies.

"Let's not be masochistic, but let's see it as

an opportunity to grow


And can we not learn from the adversity of others?

"This is like being told that fire burns and you know it, but until you burn yourself..."

Derek Sivers, an author he really likes, says that if more information were the solution, everyone would be a millionaire with abs of steel.

"We have never had more information than now, and yet

the will is more important than ever. It is our soul.

Everything else is marketing."

We ask for the best advice you have been given and can give away.

"Well, this depends on the day they ask me.

Today I will tell you love what you are doing right now. In this experience. If you live life that way you will love every moment."

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