• The beer spa invites you to splash around in a bathtub heated to 38 degrees where powdered malt, hops and brewer's yeast are infused.

  • “A relaxation for the body and the mind”, we promise at O ​​divin spa in Vertou near Nantes, where

    20 Minutes

    was able to test the experience.

Bathing in the equivalent of 300 pints of blonde.

The love, no?

This is also what we thought we were experiencing when we were offered to discover the spa with beer, a trend from Eastern Europe that has recently arrived in France, as in Paris, Strasbourg or Vertou near Nantes.

The experience is worth living, even if the name is a little oversold: alone or in pairs in a large oak bathtub, you splash for an hour in 150 liters of water heated to 38 degrees where powders of malt, hops and brewer's yeast.

A mixture without foam which, in addition to quenching our big thirsts as an aperitif, would offer many benefits.

"Berler's yeast is very good for the skin and the hair, the malt is relaxing just like the hops, which will also come to exfoliate the skin, assure Chrystelle and Olivier Rigaud, former insurance brokers who gave up everything for open O Divin spa in Vertou, after having lived the “delicious experience” themselves in Belgium.

These are the ingredients of the beer but without the fermentation: it is therefore not intoxicating even if the objective is to take you somewhere else.

It is a relaxation for body and mind.


A (real) beer to totally relax

At first, the situation is confusing.

Motionless in the middle of the cabin, we slide a little on the walls, press a button to activate the bubbles, then another to change the color of the ambient lights... in short, we wonder how we are going to occupy the 50 next few minutes.

A bathrobe and black flip-flops are waiting for us if we want to join the straw bench right next to it, but the warmth of this cozy bath, a little greenish but not at all sticky, begins to please us, once the support head stalled.

Very even too light, the floral smell of hops diffuses.

After about twenty minutes, a bell comes out of a sweet torpor.

Our order placed via text, a local bottled white beer, is served right behind the door!

Because if it is not really recommended to drink the cup, here is the other ingredient which will perhaps make us go up a notch on the scale of relaxation.

It must be said that it's not so easy to take it easy in the middle of a working day… The temptation to check our emails is great, but we have to resist.

The cool sips in this bath, which does not get cold, are pleasant.

The minutes go by but now look like seconds and it's when the end of the session arrives (35 euros per hour) that we no longer really want to leave this place.

Too late: the second bell, fifteen minutes from the end, pushes us towards the shower.

As soon as you rinse off, you come out with a slightly blissful smile and, it's true, baby skin.

In the evening, but it may be a coincidence, sleep came an hour earlier than usual.


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The opinion of Céline Couteau, lecturer at the Faculty of Industrial Pharmacy and Cosmetology of the University of Nantes.

“Hops extract certainly has different interesting properties but I look at this beer spa trend with a critical eye, a bit like a zaniness, because we are outside the field of cosmetology where there is an evaluation of the effectiveness .

It is also important to note that hops have estrogenic effects.


  • Company

  • Nantes

  • Pays de la Loire

  • Beer

  • Tendency

  • Welfare