The bodies of a father and his son were found swept away by torrents in western Algeria

Civil protection agents in Algeria found today the bodies of two people who were washed away by heavy rains in the west of the country.

The newspaper "Al-Khabar" reported on its website that the two victims were on board a truck yesterday afternoon, and it is related to a father "60 years old" and his son "30 years old", who came from the state of Tlemcen to buy potatoes from the fields of the neighboring town of Sidi Abdel Rahman.

The newspaper pointed out that yesterday, they wanted to cut Wadi Boukaria in the village of Al-Zarzour, in the town of Al-Rasfa, by truck while its first waters were flowing, before it overturned and the waters of the valley in which the waters of several valleys poured intensified.

A video showed one of them standing on top of the truck after it overturned, waving his hands for help, but the force of the water current was stronger than the rescue possibilities.

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