At a junior high school in Owase City, Mie Prefecture, slacks were newly introduced to girls' uniforms from the perspective of gender diversity and protection against the cold.

At Owase Junior High School in Owase City, which was founded in 1947, school rules have stipulated uniforms for more than 50 years, with boys wearing trousers and collars, and girls wearing blazers and skirts.

Under these circumstances, from last year to this year, the student council and others requested that slacks be introduced to girls' uniforms in order to respond to the diversification of gender and to protect against the cold.

Therefore, the school revised the school rules, and from the 3rd of this month, it became possible for female students to choose not only skirts but also slacks.

Also, from the school regulations, the description that stipulates uniforms for each gender has been deleted.

Student council vice president Haruka Kitamura said, "It's not cold in winter, and if you don't want to wear a skirt, you can wear slacks.

Also, student council president Nagata Ryodai said, "I hope she will be able to wear whatever she wants."

Keita Nakano, the vice-principal of Owase Junior High School, said, "I hope it will be an opportunity for students to think about gender diversity as a familiar issue."