Vitamin B12 deficiency..signs you notice at night

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient for human health, and low vitamin B12 causes many complications, especially damage to the myelin sheath that surrounds and protects the nerves, which leads to damage.

 A research paper issued by the American University of Lome Linda warned of a number of nighttime symptoms that could be alerts to the presence of a deficiency in this important vitamin, including the frequent feeling of cold feet, in addition to the lack of enough healthy red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout the body. The body, causing a feeling of tightness and inability to breathe during sleep, which leads you to wake up frequently.

And RT quoted the Amputation Prevention Centers in America as saying, "As temperatures drop at night, your peripheral nerves can start to tingle more, and you'll feel more burning or sharp pains. Your heart rate also slows when you're colder, which leads to slower Blood and increased feeling of pain in different parts of the body without a clear cause.

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