The rise in property tax in the 73 municipalities of the Greater Paris Seine & Oise (GPS & O) urban community, which includes Yvelines, is causing property owners to scold.

Some have suffered an increase of up to 45% in the tax this year, for equivalent or even reduced services compared to 2021, reports

Le Parisien


Increased rates

This increase is partly explained by the new intermunicipal rate of 6% decided in 2021. The objective was to increase tax revenue by 40 million euros for GPS & O, which has been in a critical economic situation for several years.

At the same time, several towns in the urban community have decided to increase their municipal rate.

This is the case of Chesnay-Rocquencourt.

The mayor justified this increase, among other things, by inflation and the need to bail out the city's coffers after the Covid-19 pandemic.

In Poissy, on the other hand, the mayor has decided to freeze the amount of property tax until further notice.

Property tax: Up to +16.5% in Marseille, +12.6% in Strasbourg… Why is it soaring this year?


Tax on household waste: Why will the bill increase for the French?

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