Two years after the loss of her unborn baby, US model Chrissy Teigen, wife of musician John Legend, has revealed it wasn't a miscarriage.

"Let's just call it what it was: It was an abortion," Teigen said Thursday at a conference in the United States, according to US media reports.

"An abortion to save my life instead of that of a baby who had absolutely no chance."

The couple made it public in October 2020 that they had lost their third child, a boy, when Teigen was 20 weeks pregnant.

Halfway through the pregnancy it was clear that the child would not survive, the model now said.

As a result, she had to "make a lot of difficult and heartbreaking decisions" to protect her own life.

"Even I would not have made it without medical intervention."

Liberal abortion rights overturned

"I told the world we miscarried, the world agreed we miscarried, all the headlines said it was a miscarriage," Teigen explained.

It took more than a year to understand that it was actually an abortion.

She came to this conclusion after the US Supreme Court overturned liberal abortion laws in the United States with a landmark ruling in June.

With its decision, the mostly conservative court paved the way for stricter laws on abortions.

She then expressed her sympathy to her husband for people who have an abortion.

Then her husband made it clear to her that she was one of those people, said Teigen.

The 11-time Grammy winner Legend and the model have been married since 2013.

The couple have two children: daughter Luna (6) and son Miles (4).

Both are currently expecting another child.