Regarding the death of Queen Elizabeth of England, Yoko Morishita, a world-famous ballerina who once danced in front of the Queen, said, "She was a big presence who gave courage and hope to people all over the world." performed a dance of mourning and gratitude.

In 1977, Yoko Morishita, who is known as a world-famous ballerina, performed "Don Quixote" in front of Queen Elizabeth at the 25th anniversary of her coronation in London.

At Mr. Morishita's ballet company in Tokyo, in response to the obituary, the flag was raised at half-mast in front of the gate, and in the rehearsal room, the queen watched over Mr. Morishita and others on the stage, and talked to Mr. Morishita on the stage after the performance. It is decorated with photographs that capture the.

On the 16th, before practice, Ms. Morishita joined about 30 members of the troupe and danced a dance in her memory to express her gratitude to the Queen.

After the practice, Mr. Morishita looked back on those days and said with nostalgia, "Her Majesty the Queen was very happy and kindly said, 'It was wonderful.' The members were also nodding their heads with smiles.

Mr. Morishita said, "It was a great honor and a wonderful event. After the performance, Her Majesty the Queen came out and said, 'Thank you very much for coming from so far away.

She was so wonderful,'" she said. She seemed to exude a kind personality from her heart," she said.

On top of that, he said, "What I remember now is that Her Majesty always wished for the happiness of people and had an altruistic feeling that she could be of some help. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to him at the same time as I really admire him as a big person."