The latest Cofidis/CSA Research* Purchasing Power Barometer confirms French people's fear of inflation and the impact on their purchasing power.

Households now estimate that they lack around 510 euros per month to live decently.

A figure never reached since 2014 and the creation of this barometer, which increased by 43 euros over one year, reports BFMTV.

"If they had this sum, the French would not afford "pleasure" purchases, but would use it above all for essential expenses such as food (53%) or even energy (29 %)”, it is indicated.

#study 11th Barometer of purchasing power @Cofidis / CSA

💶 A sum that has reached a record since the creation of the #barometer and that the French would use for their #expenses related to food (53%) and those related to energy (29%).

— CSA Institute (@CSAInstitut) September 13, 2022

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Decline in purchasing power

Many French people have noticed the rise in certain prices: 82% in food prices (12 points more than in 2021), 80% in energy prices (+8 points) and 64% in having seen an increase in transport prices (+21 points).

The barometer reveals that 66% of respondents believe that their purchasing power will decrease over the next 12 months, a significant increase of 29 points compared to last year.

They are even 53% (+14 points) to believe that their quality of life has deteriorated.

Fewer projects

To cope, the French are adapting.

59% have reduced their non-essential spending over the past year in an attempt to cope with inflation.

On the shopping side, 58% are looking for low prices or tips to limit spending.

Finally, 35% said they had consumer credit.

They are slightly less likely to foresee the undertaking of a project that requires significant expenditure: 55%, a drop of 6 points compared to 2021. They are even 41% to think that it cannot be carried out .

Another reason to pay attention: the increase in the amount of overdrafts, which increases to 368 euros per person in 2022, against 316 euros in 2021. They would be 38% to be affected by a bank overdraft at least once a year, a figure which stagnates.

* Sample of 1,007 French people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over.

Self-administered sample online from July 4 to 11, 2022, made up according to the quota method on the following criteria: sex, age, profession, region of residence and category of agglomeration.


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  • purchasing power

  • Inflation

  • Barometer

  • Company