On any day, in addition to one war, a second and even a third can begin here.

This is a discovery that we always want to forget and close.

And you need to look at it point-blank, at this discovery, inseparably.

Watch and understand the following.

Any country along the Russian perimeter that seriously wants security and real independence should not rely on the CSTO, but be part of the Russian Federation - in its entirety, with its head, with history, with children and grandmas.

Knock on the fortress gates and say: we are here for you.

And the Russian Federation must quickly, no matter what, put a seal at the entrance: hello, please, come in, make yourself comfortable, your house is our house, our fortress is your fortress, your safety is our safety.

Because only being part of the Russian Federation can be a good reason for the Russian Federation not to send Vanya on an infantry fighting vehicle there, but to threaten with the biggest bomb.

Alas, the national elites of neighboring countries do not make saving decisions for themselves 15 minutes before the genocide, but a month after the start of the genocide.

And yet.

And another thing that you should already understand.

It is also desirable some time before, and not much after.

Russia should not carry out mobilization, scaring hipsters and middle managers, but build a mobilization state.

From top to bottom, a mobilization state.

Not a liberal-bourgeois business call-leisure center with Meladze's corporate parties, but a country that is always ready for anything.

Where in the center are a warrior, a worker, a man of science, a priest, a poet.

And not a huckster, showman, blogger and rogue.

Where is the audacity and justice in the price.

Where everyone knows that satiety, warmth and the right to rest are the result of a thousand years of unceasing labor and military suffering.

The result of a feat and service, and not the order "give it, bring it, stupid rashka."

And when we write about the need to talk with the country, we do not mean at all that we need to talk about the plans of the General Staff.

No need.

We mean that we need to talk seriously with the country.

The country is in trouble.

And tomorrow the trouble may grow in scale.

The country needs to be told about it.

Tell her: yes, we have a problem and it can grow in scale, but we are the people.

And we will stop this endless parade of well-fed cats, which were shown to you under the guise of the best people in Russia.

Instead of them, from now on we will always see a warrior, a scientist, a monk, a violinist.

We will rebuild this business call-leisure center into a reliable, beautiful, comfortable mobile fortress.

Where we will remember all our fallen and fireworks in their honor, and not hide their shining faces from the whole country.

Where people will be told at birth that any, any, any kind of war is a matter for everyone, and not "a matter of personal choice and conviction."

Beliefs begin where our war ends.

The fortress is the best place to live.

Russia in ancient times was called the "country of cities."

Not because we loved building cities so much.

But because every city was a fortress.

Strong people living in a fortress, capable of strengthening and strengthening — that's who we are.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.