The summer was harsh for the territory's golf courses, singled out for their excessive water consumption.

That of Cunlhat, in Puy-de-Dôme, is an exception.

Since 2013, its greens have remained green without using water, reports France 3 Auvergne Rhône-Alpes.

The Sports Golf Cunlhat association has bet on an ecological transition project.

How ?

By installing synthetic greens, which require neither water nor maintenance.

Synthetic greens soon banned

Regarding the surfaces around the green, for example the fairway, it is not watered.

He is mowed when necessary.

Just like the rest of golf.

The grass fodder is recovered by a farmer who uses it for his animals.

Elsewhere, a 100 m² pond has been installed, allowing the return of flora, insects and fauna.

However, in six years, the synthetic greens will be replaced due to the presence of microplastics, considered dangerous for the environment.

Golf is going to study a new solution that still makes it possible to dispense with watering.

Plugged holes, tags… A golf course vandalized by environmental activists?


Drought: Environmental activists damage two Toulouse golf courses and assume "this act of sabotage"

  • Clermont Ferrand

  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

  • Golf

  • Water

  • Drought

  • Planet