He explained - in his speech to the "Beyond the News" program (12/09/2022) that the main objective of the Ukrainian operations in the south is to distract Russia from its planned attacks in the North East, considering that Ukraine provides the conditions for the destruction of Russian forces.

These statements came against the background of the Ukrainian army’s announcement that, during its two-week counterattack, it had regained about 500 square kilometers of Russian territory in the southern Kherson region, after the Ukrainian army announced the restoration of 20 towns and villages in the eastern Kharkiv province during the past 24 hours, and the arrival of its forces. To the border with Russia in the city of "Guptovka".

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On the other hand, Andrei Frolov, a researcher at the Russian Council for International Relations, said that the Russian redeployment in Ukraine was very focused on large fronts, explaining that Russia does not have a large enough number of soldiers to control all these areas at the same time.

He explained that when Ukraine prepared to attack the Kharkov fronts, Russia tried to reduce the forces present there to preserve equipment and lives and to go back until Ukraine advanced, and in order to thwart its plan to encircle the Russian forces.

He considered that the Ukrainian strike achieved a media victory only because the withdrawal was part of the Russian plan, explaining that the Ukrainian forces were unable to achieve military objectives and lost many equipment and soldiers when trying to control vital areas such as Kherson.

In this regard, Melnik opposed that Russia's withdrawal should be planned, stressing that it is about a defeat suffered by the Russian administration, as evidenced by dozens of Russian prisoners and Russian equipment destroyed by Ukrainian forces.

It is noteworthy that the Ukrainians are talking about a big change, while the Russians describe the withdrawal of their forces from those areas as calculated, stressing that they inflicted the Ukrainian forces what they described as heavy losses in lives and equipment, while the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the killing of about 250 Ukrainian soldiers during the raid of its air forces on the Ukrainian forces in The cities of Kobyansk and Izyum, Kharkiv Province.