Peter Pence presents famous songs and special compositions during his first concert in the region

The world's fastest pianist: Excited to meet the Dubai crowd

Peter played on international theaters.

From the source

A special magic with music is presented by the international pianist Peter Pence, when he puts his fingers on the piano, as he moves his fingers lightly for the music to flow like a waterfall of fresh water. in one minute.

Peter will perform his first concert in Dubai on the Dubai Opera stage next November, and the audience will be on a date with 90 minutes of international music, as well as his own compositions, and he will tell his own story with art and music through the piano.

Peter Pence told "Emirates Today" about the beginning of his journey with the piano: "I began to explore playing when I was two years old, as I could play the piano more than I could speak, so music was the second language for me, and I began to learn to play seriously while I was in At the age of four, I mastered classical playing at first, and developed my talent by studying, until I started composing my own music.

The musician, who confirmed that he was excited to meet the Dubai audience, added: "When I entered high school, I was passionate about composing music for films, but my career did not go towards it, despite the existence of this dream, so I worked on developing my playing, as well as recording famous songs, including works by Michael Jackson, But I always present it with a special and distinctive vision, to be loaded with the same song card when it was presented by the same artist.”

And about how to choose the songs that he re-recorded, he explained that he resorts to works that have achieved remarkable success, considering it a smart idea in order to achieve popularity and masses, especially if the musician works to re-present the song in particular and in a different style, pointing out that one of the criteria for choosing songs is also his love for them. , and to be flexible, and can be played on the piano, that is, the melody should be enjoyable, as some songs succeed because of their words, not because of their melodies, and therefore it is necessary to choose carefully.

He indicated that he presented the song "Despacito", which was a resounding success on YouTube, but in the beginning he was not convinced of playing it, but at the request of his artistic director, he presented it with inventing a new way to play music, and this is what distinguished it.

Regarding his upcoming concert on the Dubai Opera stage, Peter Pence noted that he will present 70 percent of well-known music at the concert, and the remaining percentage will be for his own music, trying to find a balance on the stage for the audience to enjoy, stressing that the audience always interacts with his music.

He said that it is the first time that he plays in Dubai, and he is excited to meet its fans, after he played on international theaters.

And about his favorite music, he mentioned that he loves the works of John Williams, as well as the songs of Michael Jackson.

As for playing solo on the stage for a period of up to 90 minutes, it was considered that it requires the player to have the ability to interact with and talk to the audience, in addition to using the sound effects inside the piano, in addition to the lighting show that supports the music, and is an extension of it, and this makes The offer is fully integrated.

Pence succeeded in setting a record for being the fastest player in the world, but he considers that the number does not concern him much, as he was enjoying the experience at the time, but he is not obsessed with numbers, as he can play the music quickly, and dazzle the audience, but in fact this takes from the magic of melodies and the feelings it carries.

Peter Pence:

• “I started exploring playing when I was two years old. I could play the piano more than I could speak, so music was my second language.”

My story with music

The musician and composer Peter Pence was born in Hungary in 1991, and wrote his first musical compositions at the age of seven, and was greatly influenced by the music of Wolffang Mozart and Frederic Chopin, but in his teens the greatest influence in his music was the music of John Williams.

He completed his first music album in 2002, and released the second in 2008. Described by some of his teachers as a "musical miracle", he was accepted into the Franz Liszt University of Music in Debrecen, while still in primary school.

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