A detainee who had escaped from Périgueux prison at the end of August by removing the bars of his cell was arrested in Toulouse on Friday evening, then placed in detention, we learned this Saturday from the Périgueux prosecutor's office.

The 22-year-old fugitive was arrested after nine days on the run by the Research and Intervention Brigade (BRI) in an apartment in Toulouse, after being located by investigators from the Périgueux judicial police, said the prosecution, confirming information from France Bleu Périgord.

According to a source close to the investigation, this prisoner of "small size" had escaped on the night of August 30 to 31 from the Périgueux remand center, by pushing "with a table leg the bars of his cell ".

He had also deceived the vigilance of the guards by slipping a ball of clothing under his sheets to make believe that he was asleep.

Sentenced to two years in prison last March for five cases of "traffic offences, narcotics, violence and insults", the young man was placed in detention and will be transferred "within four days" to the Dordogne to be presented before the investigating judge in charge of the investigation.

  • Jail

  • Perigueux

  • escape

  • Toulouse

  • Bordeaux

  • Company

  • Occitania

  • Aquitaine