1. I don't have a business card

In November 2019, he announced that he would not run for the general election.

At that time he was forty-seven.

He has been told that those who leave will not leave, and those who should remain will leave.

It was surprising that a politician with a bright future had left, but the declaration that this person left behind also became a hot topic.

South Korea's conservative party said that existence itself is a nuisance and that dissolution is the only answer.

As he expressed himself, he pressed the self-destruct switch within the party, but the party was not destroyed and succeeded in reclaiming power in five years.

Was this person wrong because the party that said dissolution was the only answer took power?

After the emergence of the new government, disappointment and frustration in politics seems to have reached its limit.

No one takes it as a strange thing now that a person who appears like a thunderbolt from outside the party is nominated for the presidential election.

The performance of the novice president in running state affairs is exactly what the approval rating shows.

The struggle for power within the ruling party is just one example of the fact that politicians have lost their ability to self-govern and have reached a point where they have to prove their existence to judges.

Politicians who have shown their own ability to solve the challenges of the times, such as industrialization, democratization, and the transition of the digital age, by exchanging governments in the midst of continuing conflict, are now struggling with their own problems.

It is not a new thing that politicians have continued day and night due to power struggles, and that is also politics.

The problem is that even if people change and women and women change, there is no hope.

It has fallen into a bog and seems to have lost the ability to get out on its own.

I wanted to take this man's claim, which sounded like a shriek, more seriously.

That's why he met Kim Se-yeon, who served as a three-term member of the National Assembly.

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In 2017, during the Bareun Party, we had a cup of tea at the National Assembly building, but this person did not remember the meeting.

I asked to meet him once, and he said that it would be good on Friday evening.

It's hard to spend a lot of time during the day.

The interview was held on the evening of the 2nd at <Campus D Seoul>, not far from Yeouido.

The Dongil Rubber Belt Logistics Warehouse has been converted into a complex cultural space and used as offices and lecture halls for youth political schools.

It's been 5 years since we met, but the humility in my body and my attitude to listen to others have not changed.

When he handed the business card, he looked apologetic and said he didn't have a business card.

He is a strategic advisor to Dongil Rubber Belt, a major shareholder, vice-principal of 'Youth Politics School', and representative of 'Agenda 2050', but it seems a bit ambiguous to engrave a certain title on a business card.

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2. The root of the problem is the party members

His expression was gentle, but his words were fierce.

The person who advocated the dissolution of the Conservative party went a step further this time.

The root of the problem is the party members.

"It is a problem for the leadership and members of the legislature that I couldn't speak at the time of my declaration of not running in the general election, but

the underlying problem was that of party members


This man's expression was really poignant.

Some of the party members do not qualify as citizens of a democratic republic and are still downgrading themselves to the mentality of the subjects of the dynasty or as an accessory to nationalism.

The Democratic Party is not suitable for such people, so we want to destroy their homes altogether.

“I think it would be much more helpful to the citizens to get rid of the political party for a few years if we thought very freely, and to have a period in which the party is formed again naturally from the original form again. Because the newly incorporated politicians also I think that the reason for becoming a tool and a slave to that party is that he is becoming a monster because he has to be nominated for re-election. If you go inside and try to change something, you will not be able to overcome that inertia because the system is running. So, it is not a story under our constitution, but I think a strong break like that is necessary."

The origin and root of the problem is the impeachment of the president.

This person can neither understand nor accept that he is a traitor and a traitor among party members about what 9 out of 10 people approve of.

“If we have passed the moment of being reborn as a democratic republic and now a modern democratic country, at least an agreement must be reached. I think it is necessary to ask a more fundamental question about whether I can be recognized as a citizen of democracy, that is, a democratic republic, for an idea that I can't possibly do and making such remarks and abusive language."

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When I asked this man, who was extremely filial to his father, whether the roots of the conservative party were in filial piety and loyalty, he responded sharply and in detail, as if he had been waiting.

This is the part where he vomited the hottest speech.

“There may be codes of loyalty and filial piety within the Conservative party in terms of valuing the community, but I think that the idea that the community is always ahead of the individual provided the decisive cause for the Conservative party’s failure. It was completely divided. The remnants of such a Neo-Confucian consciousness provided a perspective that could not exist in a democratic republican government on how to impeach the king, so I think that loyalty and fidelity is a concept that must be overcome in modern democracy."

The conservative party, which had been criticized as a zombie party that had lost its vitality, succeeded in taking power, so I thought I could say that I was wrong, but I said no at all.

Just because he came to power does not mean that the conservatives were revived.

-The expressions you used when you announced you didn't run for office are still being talked about by many people.

Wasn't the party that said that it was a zombie party that lost its vitality and that existence itself was a nuisance of history came to power anyway?

“I think that it was possible because Kim Jong-in and Lee Jun-seok, chairman of the party, led the party in succession, and the ability of sympathetic communication was within the normal range for a short time. I just won."

Rather, he said that if the status of the conservative party in 2019 was about the 3rd stage, it is now the 4th stage, saying that the time for a seriously ill patient to live longer may have been missed, and he may have missed an opportunity to heal.

"What I said that the current situation was worse was that at the time, it was the opposition party, so I was stepping back from the direct responsibility of the government. I think the risk could be higher because you are now in an area where you can make bad decisions yourself.”

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He was pessimistic about the Yun Seok-yeol government and did not have much hope for its future.

He diagnosed that the president's lack of political experience was a factor that made it difficult to run state affairs.

“I should be able to sit over my head and understand how the system works and how the players move within the system, but I don’t think there is a trial and error like this because I haven’t figured this out yet.”

-Can I understand that there is such a thing as a working principle of power that you can't know unless you actually experience it?

“I think it is the working principle of the system rather than the working principle of power. Chairman Kim Jong-in once said that Chairman Ahn Cheol-soo should enter the National Assembly first before entering politics. It would be very difficult to learn in an abstract way…. By observing how these structures are connected and moving, what thoughts, physiology, actions, and how people who live in this structure respond to each other, and their inner appearances. If I had time to look into it, I think maybe it could come out a lot better than it is now, but because President Yoon entered politics so suddenly, there were no opportunities for that, and it was difficult to understand exactly what is going on in practice. I wonder if they are popping up all over the place.”

Now, the ruling party predicted that it would either fall into a state of chronic civil war, as seen in the Lee Jun-seok incident, or that it would return to the most shrunken conservative party, the Liberty Korea Party, to self-destruct.

He also said that the president's low approval ratings could lead to things unimaginable in peacetime.

The words were not concise.

There are many premises and clues attached.

He was careful with every word he said, and he requested off the record from everywhere.

It was evident on his face that he was speaking, carefully choosing the words in his head.

After an interview in front of the camera for over 3 hours, we talked for an additional 1 hour and 40 minutes, and it was almost midnight.

After the camera reporter withdrew and the atmosphere became free, this gentleman turned into a warrior.

The words became more radical, the expressions became more real, and it became easier to understand.

There were a lot of stories I had never heard of anywhere.

I made a promise to this person, so I can't transcribe what I've heard, but he was a person who couldn't be expressed in words like a model student or a golden spoon.

It must have been quite sad to ask if you didn't fight with blood all over your body like anyone else.

There seemed to be little blood shed inside.

I thought I was someone who could fight.

I don't know if he's a good fighter by nature, but he's definitely a guy who grew up through fighting.

3. Someone called someone's son, someone's son-in-law

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Kim Se-yeon was more often called someone's son or someone's son-in-law, rather than a three-year-old man named Kim Se-yeon.

He inherited the business his grandfather had established and his father's constituency.

Dongil Rubber Belt, established by his grandfather Kim Do-geun in the year of liberation, is a representative company in Busan.

There were so many real estate in the Geumjeong-gu area of ​​Busan that it was even said that it was impossible to walk without stepping on the land of this person's family.

His father, Jinjae Kim, entered the National Assembly at the age of 38 and served as a five-term lawmaker.

He was the only son of a family of wealth and power.

He graduated from the Department of International Economics at Seoul National University and is the father-in-law of former Prime Minister Han Seung-soo, and his mother-in-law is a cousin of former President Park Geun-hye.

If you take it a little wider, it will lead to Park Tae-joon and Jeong Eui-sun, etc.

He didn't like talking about his private life, including those stories.

Looking at this person, I also think that political ideologies are not learned or chosen, but inherited.

I was accustomed to living while being conscious of other people's eyes from a young age.

His father became a member of Parliament when he was in the third grade of elementary school.

Before that, he was already a boy in the spotlight for being someone's grandson.

As he entered college, he wanted to get better, but within a month it was revealed that he was someone's son.

He lived with his grandfather and his father until the sixth grade of elementary school.

The self-made grandfather was a man of thrift, saving even a single piece of tissue paper.

I learned about entrepreneurship through his grandfather and the attitude of a public figure through his father.

During my 12-year career as a member of the National Assembly, I was anxious about whether it would be okay for me to rest like this, even during the holidays.

If he learned a conservative side from his grandfather, he inherited the liberal blood from his maternal grandfather.

His maternal grandfather, who was ahead of his time and suffered failures before others, had a rich liberal temperament enough to tour the site of Myeongyeong, China, where Li Bai and Du Fu wrote poetry before the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and China.

There were also people who were active on the left before and after liberation toward the mother-in-law.

If the conservative side was educated, the liberal side seemed innate.

When I entered the university in 1991, the campus was heated with anti-government fever.

This person distanced himself from the student movement and said he has no regrets about doing so.

It was that he could not agree with the oppressive atmosphere in which individual thoughts and actions were restricted in a uniform and collective culture.

However, it would not have been without worries and conflicts about the times.

His father, who was then a member of the ruling party in power, loved his son tremendously.

He was a father who sent a car to his son, even if he took a taxi.

I wondered if it would have been difficult to act against my father's will, but he looked like he was questioning what it meant to come and talk about those days.

After graduating from college, he joined the family business, Dongil Rubber Belt, and became an entrepreneur.

Seeing my political father, I thought that I shouldn't live like that, but I read the political pages of newspapers diligently.

If my grandfather and father had not passed away six months apart in 2005, this person would not have entered into politics if my father had not announced that he would not run for the general election the previous year.

Due to his father's absence from running for office, the empty constituency was occupied by a person who was called MB's aide at the time.

All sorts of noise arose over the issue of nomination and donations.

I couldn't turn away from the words, 'You shouldn't watch the district your father ran into ruin like this.

He did not receive a nomination and ran as an independent, but was elected with an overwhelming majority of nearly 65% ​​of the vote.

It was thanks to his father's halo.

At 36, he was the youngest-elect elected to the ruling party.

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4. A reformist member of the General Assembly who said that it was not.

I started resisting when I was a student when I joined the National Assembly.

He was a minority within the party when he was in the opposition and a minority in the party when he was in the ruling party.

He actively participated in Minbon 21 and economic democratization practice meetings.

He met Kim Jong-in while Park Geun-hye was a non-captain, and since then, he has been treated as a mentor until now.

“After entering politics, obedience and acting differently from my thoughts seemed like a no-brainer. As with the Democratic Party, especially in the power of the people or the political party that was its predecessor, there was a strong atmosphere that good things are good, but the people I respect have the courage to Watching them act, I also got to be with them. When they weren't there and I took on the role, I thought that I shouldn't be cowardly, I should have courage when I should have courage. Isn't there a law of the total amount of life? Even for what I should say no, I think I've hit the right amount."

He is a person who puts a stricter standard on my side than on your side.

From the point of view of those in the same conservative camp, that person might say why he shoots inward without saying much about the liberals.

Some people ridicule it for being a rich man's grudge.

It would have been more difficult to fight because there were so many people who had so many things and so many people who had interests.

“Actually, in the early days of the MB government, when the chief of civil affairs was going to go directly to the Auditor General’s office, there was a time when he tried to turn the sales office on ‘Minbon 21’. However, I am in charge of contacting at the meeting, but I can’t take my name out. Now, I have a chill in the back of my neck when I put my name up.

Among the people who I shared with the Minbon 21 activities in the 18th National Assembly is Kim Seong-sik. Kim Seong-sik remembers this person like this:

“He is a righteous man, and he is a very deep person.

He was always concerned about the weight of the task rather than just rushing to stand up for himself, and he was a man who thought of how far he could go.

He has a deep inner heart, so he didn't come out often, but when Rep. Kim Se-yeon stepped forward or talked, a sense of weight was added." Kim Seong-sik / Former Member of the National Assembly

In favor of impeachment, he left the Saenuri Party and took the lead in creating the Bareun Party.

It was a time when political enthusiasm was at its peak.

He said that even now, talking about the Bareun Party makes my hair stand upright.

It was a time when he tried to create a new orbit with his own strength, out of the orbit given from birth.

He said there was never a single moment when he was happy in politics, but he must have been happy moment by moment in those days.

It was a time when there were abnormalities and comrades, but it was a time when there was a possibility.

He wrote the platform policy with his own hands, which included the content that

"wealth and status will not be passed down, and we will build a ladder of opportunities to achieve success only with individual passion and effort ."

He loved the party enough to deny the basis of his own existence, but it didn't go off track.

The comrades of the lawmakers, who had once grown to 33 members, escaped one by one despite their promise not to be shaken.

This person also surrendered with tears of blood after a year.

Even now, he can't hide his anger at the behavior of the Liberty Korea Party at the time when he tried to crush the party he loved so much.

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-Have you ever hated anyone?

= What are you human?

Can't you?

-The reason why I am saying this is because I felt a sense of anger when talking about the Bareun Party.

=That's because I've been through experiences that can only make me angry.

- I can feel the strong hostility.

= It is not something I created myself, but as a person who was now in the conflict structure as such a party, I think it is not normal for such a reaction to come out reflexively by being attacked and criticized that is too ridiculous and impossible.

They threw their whole body to resist, but the rock did not move and only themselves were shattered.

For the time being, he doesn't seem to have the strength to lead the ranks again.

Still, I believe that time is on our side.

“I think the Bareun Party was the most ideal party that could exist in reality…. I believe that the DNA of the Bareun Party is passed down to the youth political school, so in a very short 5 years or 10 years, our politics will shake from the fundamentals once. I expect that things will happen, and I think that citizens will achieve such things, and these are the activities that I continue to work hard with these days.”

If you consistently donate to charity, it is not sustainable if it is too burdensome, so you try to keep the line that you think is appropriate.

He said sometimes he crossed that line a little bit, and sometimes he crossed that line quite a bit.

Contributing to our society through politics is similar to donation, but the Bareun Party era was probably a time when we boldly crossed the line.

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5. My identity is a citizen sent to politics

Politicians show their faces wherever they are photographed, and if they can't sit in the middle, they get sick.

From his days as a first-time member of parliament, he said he had no desire to enter the central political arena.

"I'm a natural leader, I don't necessarily want to be the center of a group, I don't want my words and authority to have a strong influence on everyone in that group, and I don't have that kind of charisma and I don't think I should have it, so I'm different from other politicians. I want it to look different."

She defined her identity not as a politician but as a citizen sent to the political realm.

Since I am a dispatched person, I have no intention of taking root here.

There is no desire to take on a big role, and there is no thought that I should occupy a certain position, or that I should not.

“My role is not to get the light from the front or center of the stage of politics, but to make this stage run well from the back and from the side.

In Geumjeong-gu, Busan, his father was elected to the National Assembly 5 times and this person 3 times.

This rich man has been a member of the constituency for over 30 years, so it's like the rich man's estate.

It would be more true to say that it was a family business rather than a dispatch, but in any case, this person defines himself as a being who was sent to the political realm to monitor chaebols and bureaucrats colluding with politicians.

He served as a three-term lawmaker, chairman of the National Assembly's Health and Welfare Committee, and director of the Yeouido Research Institute, but he is not a politician with a strong presence.

He never took on an important watch position, and hardly ever raised his hand first saying, 'I'll take this position.'

When I asked why politicians did not become a spokesperson they once wanted to do, they said that they do not have the necessary talent.

He said that he didn't do much broadcasting, and he said that he didn't have good eloquence for that.

More than that, he wasn't much interested in making himself known.

“The thing I was most critical of among politicians was that they did what they were supposed to do and let them know through text messages to the extent that it was called text pollution. There may be people who suffer irreparable harm from such irresponsible disclosures."

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6. A radical critic

He is pessimistic about the future of his party and is pessimistic about the future of Korean politics.

He is pessimistic about the future of mankind, not to mention the community he belongs to.

Exaggerately tell a pessimistic story.

- You said that the country is going on a road to ruin, it is an era of collapse, and that the community is entering a long and tragic process of extinction.

You have expressed that not only our community but the entire human race is on the verge of extinction, why are you so pessimistic?

“I think that taking such a pessimistic position is partly in line with my conservative tendencies. I think that it is already difficult to prevent the climate crisis at 1.5℃ below the point of the industrial revolution stipulated by the Paris climate agreement. A significant number of climatologists say that they are suffering from depression. It is not easy to prevent even 2℃ and 3℃. We make the assumption that the situation will get worse and go up to 5℃, then the amount of precipitation? Sea level? Many questions will come to mind, such as how often? I think that it will increase the survival rate of people.... Now, I think that using pessimistic expressions can cause bad emotions because I don't want to hear them. do."

When he said that the country seemed to be collapsing like this, I thought this man was exaggerating.

He told similar pessimistic stories everywhere.

There seems to be nothing lacking, but where did this person's pessimism come from?

He was a good laugher, but he also had a somewhat depressed look, perhaps because of his pessimistic remarks.

He seemed to be the one who was suppressing himself, the one who was oppressed.

He is a person who despairs ahead of others, finds hope with that despair, and changes the world with that hope.

“It seems that I have been doing this kind of training alone. I thought that I would not become arrogant and make any big mistakes by objectifying me with the most critical and harsh standards. And when I look outside with the filter that used to look inside me, ah, if I keep doing this, the country will perish. I'm thinking about it now."

They argue that the number of civil servants should be reduced and the number of government organizations will be drastically reduced, and a basic income system should be introduced with the financial resources secured therefrom.

In a world where the concept of work is completely different, a basic income is needed.

When you talk about data ownership, machine tax, and bridging the virtual and real worlds, you're a futurist.

Of course, this person says that such a story is not a story of the future, but a matter of the present that has fallen on the instep.

Not to mention the LGBT rights issue, and when we talk about ways to protect animal rights, I wonder in what way this person is a conservative.

He said that he finds inspiration by regularly reading foreign magazines such as The Economist.

The general argument seems strong, but it was not easy to gauge how prepared each argument was from just a few press articles.

Interest in this field is tenacious, as the 'Agenda 2050' group, which was created to study basic income, climate change, machine tax, and metaverse at the time of the 20th National Assembly, was converted into an incorporated corporation and continues to lead.

There has been no remarkable activity since he did not run for the 21st National Assembly general election.

He was also rarely seen in the presidential election.

People's Power Although he helped Yoo Seung-min in the internal election process, he did not actively participate.

Last year and last year, the people's strength was mentioned as a strong candidate for the mayor of Busan, and Kim Jong-in, an economist in his 40s, said it was time for an economist to lead the country.

Recently, he was also named Hama-pyeong by the Minister of Health and Welfare.

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- There was a request to run for the Busan mayor election.

The approval rating was high, but it didn't go out in the end.

I read an article that he did not run for office because of the burden of the blank trust and the decision to give up the family business.

"I can't say that it wasn't at all. Now that was one of the considerations. If I thought I would continue as a professional politician, I could have made another decision, but as I said before, I am a full-time politician from the position I was dispatched to politics. I could have made that decision if I thought I was going to completely change my mind.”

He said that he was free from the torment of sitting on the standing committee of the National Assembly or the chairman of the National Assembly, but that did not mean that he was enjoying a sense of liberation.

It is the difference between heaven and earth when wearing a member's badge and when not.

He said he felt the way people looked at him changed, but he seldom felt bad about it.

He tried to distance himself from things like privileges since his days as a member of parliament.

I have in my mind the image of people who have to think about one meal and one night's sleep today, and people who spend their whole lives around the Yeouido National Assembly and political parties to get a member's badge.

He lives consciously of how he will look in the eyes of such people, so he is careful with every word he says and every expression on his face.

From a young age, I thought that I couldn't have all the money and power, and I couldn't.

7. Dreaming of a society where citizens are politicians and politicians are citizens

He defined his identity as an entrepreneur, or more precisely, an entrepreneur.

He refers to a person who seeks innovation through creative destruction, which he interpreted as a problem solver.

He believes that the crises that are now approaching cannot be overcome by traditional methods.

The dissolution of a political party and the claim that party members are the core of the problem would also be impossible for politicians to say, and it could be a possible idea because he is a person who promotes destructive innovation.

He has never left politics, nor is he anyone to leave.

He doesn't intend to run for election at this time, but he's not professing that he'll never run again.

Although he drew various pictures in his head and hinted at some of the ideas, the change of traditional methods does not seem to be in the options of this person who pursues disruptive innovation.

“I think the boundary between citizens and politicians should be blurred. Now, the trough of distrust is so deep, and the barriers are so high that citizens and politicians are so far apart now that they think they are of different races. Citizens I believe that a democratic republic can be realized as a political community close to the ideal only when this politician and politicians are citizens in a world. It is my wish to be a part of that.”

It is questionable whether this person's eye level is at the level of the public, and how many people are running with it.

He has never been properly tested as to whether he has the ability to speak in his own language, not the words of others, to solve the problems of the times.

It may be that the tentacles that read the changes of the times are sensitive, or it may be that he is a professional who cannot tolerate discomfort.

What is clear is that the size of this person's anxieties is the size of the concerns of the Korean conservatives and the size of the concerns of Korean politics.

It has been this man's long-standing task to preserve his father's honor and to carry on fully the legacy of his predecessors.

At the 10th anniversary of the late Rep. Kim Jin-jae, he once said that he decided to live his father's life, not his own, after his father passed away.

You said that you were still undifferentiated from your father, but that word seems to have stuck with you the whole time.

By the time the conversation lasted more than five hours, he said that it felt like separation from his father and independence had been completed as the time he spent with his family increased these days.

It was not a life for anyone, but now it sounded like a promise to live my own life completely.

now fifty

I wondered how my life in the future would be different from the life I had in the past.

※ The full video of the interview with Senator Kim Se-yeon will be released for the first time on the SBS News YouTube channel at 8:20 pm today (10th).