A family was evicted from their social housing on Tuesday after the imprisonment of one of its members, author of urban rodeo.

During the incident, which occurred in early August in Pontoise, the motorcyclist injured two children.

He was charged and then imprisoned.

The expulsion of his family is the application of a decision prior to the facts, according to the prefecture of Val-d'Oise.

"On the instruction of the Minister of the Interior and in application of a judgment of the court of Pontoise, the prefect of Val-d'Oise proceeded, today, with the eviction of the occupants of the social housing of the “author of the facts, in this same district”, announced the prefecture of Val-d’Oise on Twitter, a message shared by Gérald Darmanin.

"It's not unrelated to what happened"

Questioned by AFP, the prefect Philippe Court indicated that the expulsion was carried out on the basis of "a decision which pre-existed".

In 2016, a judge ordered the eviction of this home for non-payment of rent.

“To act quickly, I relied on a decision which was still enforceable by the civil judge knowing that we would have put together the file for eviction for disturbance of enjoyment in a case like this”, explained the prefect.

"Very clearly, this is not unrelated to what happened on August 5th and it joins and in its spirit and in its effect the files that we are mounting to evict for disturbances of enjoyment or acts of delinquency", he added.

Fourteen deportations since March

Since 2018, an agreement has brought together the prefecture, the prosecutor's office and almost all the social landlords in the department.

In addition to a preventive aspect, this agreement also makes it possible to compile files for "disorders of enjoyment" or "acts of delinquency" by tenants: wild mechanics, sale of narcotics, noise...

The files are then used by the landlords in the civil courts to request a termination of the lease.

Since March, 14 evictions via these procedures have been carried out, said the prefect.

The biker, a young man of 18

On Friday August 5, around 9.15 p.m., a 7-year-old girl was "playing tag" with an 11-year-old boy on an esplanade, in the Hauts Marcouville district of Pontoise, when they were hit by a biker who took the leak.

With a head trauma, the girl had been operated on at the Necker hospital in Paris.

The boy, suffering from a fracture of the tibia fibula had been hospitalized in Amiens.

The next day, in the early afternoon, the biker, a young man of 18, went to the police station with his lawyer and admitted the facts.

He was charged and imprisoned.

The girl came out of the coma on August 16.

In the Val-d'Oise, 76 machines seized in five months for rodeos

They were riding wild rodeo with their three unhelmeted children

  • Ile-de-France

  • Pontoise

  • Urban rodeo

  • Motorbike

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