The level reached is lower than forecast.

A peak of traffic jams of 588 km was however recorded around noon at the national level on Saturday, a day classified red in the direction of returns at the national level, according to Bison Futé.

"This weekend will mark the end of the school holidays" and "most of the road traffic concerns returns from coastal regions to major cities", indicated the public road information service.

“During the entire period, in the direction of returns, traffic will be difficult at the national level”, continued Bison Futé, who noted a peak of traffic jam of 588 km on Saturday at 12:05 p.m.

🔴 For this last weekend of August, #BisonFuté announces difficult traffic in the direction of returns.

#Holidays: with a heavier load than usual, it is recommended to check your tire pressure.

Follow live traffic 👉

— Road Safety (@RoutePlusSure) August 25, 2022

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Sunday, traffic forecasts are announced "very difficult"

The main difficulties were expected from 10 a.m. on Saturday and should however continue until the beginning of the evening, mainly on the A7 and A8 motorways in the Rhone Valley and on the Mediterranean Arc and on the A10 from Bordeaux to Paris.

The public service noted at noon an Orange-Vienne journey time of 3h20 instead of 1h30 and indicated that the traffic was loading in the ascent of the Rhone Valley.

In the capital of the Gauls, the closure for maintenance work of the Fourvière tunnel, the Lyon portion of the A6/A7 motorway heading south, is preventing traffic flow.

Sunday, also in the direction of returns, the traffic forecasts are announced as "very difficult" in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

Monday, “the combination of returning from vacation and work-home journeys will make traffic difficult”, classified red in Île-de-France and in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. 


Traffic: Smart bison sees “red” on the roads back from vacation


On the road back from vacation, a peak of traffic jams of 770 km recorded at midday

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  • Back to school 2022

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