The National Federation of Hunters (FNC) is claiming nearly 100,000 euros in damages from Sandrine Rousseau for remarks in February in which the ecologist deputy had drawn a link between feminicides and a supposed "intrinsic violence" of hunters, according to the assignment.

These legal proceedings, revealed by L'Obs, relate to statements by Sandrine Rousseau on February 22 on France 2, in the middle of the presidential campaign, after the death of a hiker accidentally killed by the shooting of a young hunter in Cantal.

A speech on France 2

“I think we have to stop hunting completely,” said Sandrine Rousseau, then president of the political council of environmental candidate Yannick Jadot.

“It's not a hobby to go and kill animals on weekends with guns.

And besides (...), the rest of the week, we can also point him against his wife.

We have seen that one in four feminicides is linked to hunting weapons.


“Not all hunters kill their wives,” retorted the journalist.

“Not fortunately (…) but it is part of this intrinsic violence of this category of the population who thinks that, in their leisure time, one can go every week to kill animals in the forest to the detriment of walkers”, had argued the finalist of the primary ecologist.

A "denigration" for the FNC

For the lawyer of the FNC, these remarks constitute a “denigration” which stigmatizes the hunters and must be qualified as “serious intentional fault” having caused a “moral prejudice” for all the hunters.

As such, the FNC claims 98,879 euros, or 10 cents of repair per hunter (988,794 people validated their license on June 30, according to the FNC).

“These remarks are scandalous: she does not like hunting, it is her right, but to go from there to make shortcuts in the media between feminicides and hunting, it is extremely insulting”, justified the president of the FNC, Willy Schraen, with AFP.

A first hearing, for recording and fixing the timetable of the procedure, must be held on September 21 before the 17th civil chamber of the Paris court.


Society: Yes, hunter subsidies have increased significantly in five years


Eric Coquerel case: Sandrine Rousseau calls on him to step back during the investigation for sexual assault

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