She believes that SR and its experts answered all questions from DN and that she herself participated in the work all the time.

"We have responded in all cases.

The questions have concerned projects dating back several years.

The questions have been so detailed that it required experts to both understand and answer them.

From the management, those with the greatest expertise have taken the interviews, our CIO and our security manager," writes Benkö.

"Never threatened DN with reporting to Säpo"

Among the answers DN received is an email from SR's head of security, Anna Svedberg, where she questions the information that the investigating reporters claim to have.

She also mentions that if it is information that is security protected, it may be appropriate to report it to the Security Police.

Quickly after that, the journalists' union, among others, spoke out critically and called it a threat.

Benkö believes that this was never the case.

"If DN or anyone else were to receive security-protected information from Sveriges Radio, we as operators have a statutory obligation to report it.

In such a case, we would report ourselves, no one else," she writes.

"The starting points are misleading"

Cilla Benkö also believes that the review is problematic as "several of the starting points are misleading".

She writes that the articles that have been published have lacked essential factual information and that these have not been corrected despite DN being alerted to the deficiencies.

Cilla Benkö also says that she has been asked to appear in SVT's Aktuellt with DN's editor-in-chief or reporters.

"I answered yes, all invited from DN said no to participating."

Since June, Dagens Nyheter has, through an investigation, pointed to a series of security flaws within Sveriges Radio, including the work with the digital VMA system.

And as more articles have been published, criticism has also grown against SR's management and its handling of the information that has emerged.

The Riksdag's defense committee has also called the Agency for Community Protection and Preparedness and the public service company to a meeting to demand answers.