international guest

Grain export deal: Russia's 'charm offensive' in Africa

Audio 04:52

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov waits for a press conference in Addis Ababa on July 27, 2022. via REUTERS - RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTRY

By: Stéphane Geneste Follow

For several weeks, cereals have been lacking in Africa.

The continent, very dependent on Russians and Ukrainians for its wheat imports, is bearing the brunt of the consequences of the war in Ukraine.

On tour in Africa, the head of Russian diplomacy Sergei Lavrov believes that Russia was not responsible for the “

energy and food crises

”, which are affecting certain African countries hard.

He took the opportunity to provide after-sales service for the grain export agreement concluded last week in Turkey.

The analysis of Paul-Simon Handy, director of the ISS office, the Institute for Studies and Security, in Addis Ababa.

  • Russia

  • Sergei Lavrov

  • Africa

  • Ukraine

  • Raw materials

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