Recently, the "2004.05.04" robbery and homicide task force of the Gangcheng Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Jinan City, Shandong Province cracked a homicide case that was 18 years ago.

  On May 4, 2004, someone was killed in a red taxi in the north section of Zhangzhuang Village in the Gangcheng Branch.

In view of the limitations of the technical inspection level and video surveillance conditions at that time, no breakthroughs have been made in the inspection of physical evidence and the investigation work, and the case detection has reached a deadlock.

  Since the beginning of this year, modern scientific methods have been used to determine that the suspect is Ji Moumou, and he was arrested and brought to justice on June 28.

After a surprise trial, Ji Moumou confessed to the robbery and killing of Chen Moumou, and confessed that two people committed the crime. The police of the task force rushed all night, to Texas and Tianjin, and successfully captured his accomplice Chu Moumou on July 1. .

At present, the suspects Ji Moumou and Chu Moumou have been taken criminal compulsory measures, and the case is under further trial.

  Qi Jianyue reports from Jinan, Shandong

Responsible editor: [Song Fangcan]