A provocative video.. They sat down and left her and her baby on the floor in the metro

A video has emerged on Twitter showing a woman sitting on the floor of a subway while other passengers sit on the seats.

From the video, it seems that no one offered the woman to sit comfortably with her and her baby, so she just sat on the ground.

At the same time, the other passengers were seen sitting comfortably in their seats, without any sympathy for the woman.

The video was shared on Twitter by Indian Administrative Service officer Oanesh Charan, with the comment: "Your testimony is just a piece of paper, if it is not reflected in your behaviour."

The video angered Twitter activists, with many saying that people nowadays do not sympathize with their fellow humans.

Indian poet and journalist, Pritish Nandi, also commented on the video and wrote: 'Growing up in Kolkata, we have been taught to always stand and give our seat (in a bus or tram) to a woman regardless of whether she has a child in her arms or not, big or small. It is in our time of manners.

However, another person shared another side of the story and said it was an old video, and explained, “It was clarified earlier that the lady had been offered the lady seat by many, but she refused and preferred to sit on the floor as it made her feel comfortable with the little boy. ".

Another commentator offered the same perspective, and said, "How do we know if the passengers offered her a seat or not? The pictures don't tell the truth. Perhaps the mother was comfortable sitting with the child in this position and refused the seat? I still believe that humanity continues and that At least one person would have offered her his seat."

आपकी डिग्री सिर्फ़ एक काग़ज़ का टुकड़ा है, अगर वो आपके व्यवहार में ना दिले.


— Awanish Sharan (@AwanishSharan) June 18, 2022

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