"Deadpool will (still) be Deadpool".

Here are the words of Paul Wernick, co-screenwriter of the superhero franchise with Rhett Reese, in response to Den of Geek's questions about the superhero's future since Fox's takeover by Disney in 2017.

Indeed, for many fans, the passage in the purse of Mickey is necessarily the promise of more family films.

But to hear the two writers, the somewhat borderline humor of the character played by Ryan Reynolds should remain intact while a third opus is still planned for 2023. “Don't worry about that.

They [Disney] have been very encouraging on that.

From there, if we go overboard with a particular joke, maybe after a while we'll be like, 'Maybe not for that joke,'” Rhett Reese explained.

Will Deadpool strip the MCU?

"But I think they've shown incredible support for what we're doing, because obviously we've been working on it without them for a long time, and I think they've witnessed the success [of the franchise] and they had their own successes that are even bigger.

So we hope it will be a happy marriage, ”chained Rhett Reese.

It remains to be hoped that the future of


will prove them right, knowing that the entry of the superhero with humor as caustic as it is acid in the Marvel Cinematic Universe could be properly caustic.


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