Moscow is flanking its attack on Ukraine with cyber attacks at various levels.

Some of the effects can also be felt in other countries.

What exactly is happening there?

What attack methods are there on the Internet?

What is necessary to carry them out?

And how can countries, authorities, companies and each individual better protect themselves?

Alexander Armbruster

Responsible editor for business online.

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Haya Shulman is a recognized IT security expert.

Since February she has been a professor in the computer science department at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, head of the Cybersecurity Analytics and Defenses (CAD) department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT) in Darmstadt and head of the Analytics Based Cybersecurity research area at the National Research Center for Applied Cyber ​​Security ATHENE.

In the new episode, she discusses all of that and more.