Diet tips for diabetics while fasting

The Federal Diabetes Federation has provided some tips for a healthy Ramadan with diabetics, which include dividing the daily calories between the Suhoor and Iftar meals, as well as 1-2 snacks in between if necessary and making sure that meals are balanced and contain 45-50% carbohydrates, and 20- 30% protein, 35% fat, fruits and vegetables, be sure to eat a lot of vegetables and salads in Ramadan, reduce foods that contain a high percentage of saturated fat, stay away from fried foods, and use small amounts of oil when cooking.

According to what was published by Al-Arabiya, the union stressed the importance of maintaining body hydration by drinking water or other unsweetened beverages, avoiding caffeinated and sugar-sweetened beverages, staying away from sweets and relying on whole grain bread, or brown bread, and eating foods rich in fiber that release Energy slowly before and after fasting, such as beans, rice.

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