This is the case that has been agitating social networks since Sunday: Why are Cyprien and Squeezie cold?

The two best friends of the YouTube game made in France had suddenly stopped making videos together (on their Bigorneaux et Coquillages channel or even on their respective channels) and if neither of them had spoken on the subject over the months and questions from their fans, it took an intervention from Cyprien, and a pithy response from Squeezie, to fuel all the rumors again.

In his latest video in the form of Frequently Asked Questions, Cyprien explained that the two stars of the net have indeed moved away.

And that it wasn't his doing.

“If you have been paying attention, for two years, we have not appeared together once, for the following reason: for two and a half years, (Squeezie) removed me from his life.

More news, more stuff… It wasn't my choice.

I think he wanted to evolve without having me around, that's what he did, ”he explained.

“Saddened by the situation”

We will therefore not know more about the reasons for this distance, except that it was decided by Squeezie himself, while his channel was in the process of exceeding in number of subscribers that of his friend. and colleague.

Today, Cyprien has 14 million subscribers while Squeezie is approaching 17 million.

Squeezie ended up answering fan questions on Monday with a short-lived post on Twitter.

“Two years ago I moved away from Cyprien for reasons that belong to me.

Like you and him, I am saddened by the situation.

I regret that the private discussions we had last year were not enough to calm things down.

For my part, I will not make it a public affair, ”he posted.

And to conclude: “Our relationship has been unique and precious, I am and will be forever grateful to him, but it sometimes happens that two people evolve differently.

I hope that you will be able to show respect for our respective choices and I wish Cyprien a lot of happiness in his new life as a dad”.

Be that as it may, between the desperate fans and those who don't believe in it (Cyprien and Squeezie had, three years ago, staged their arguments to make their subscribers believe that they were separating, before come back explaining that it was a fake clash to make the buzz), the questions are going well.

Can we expect a new video between the two (ex) friends or is this officially the end of Squeezie and Cyprien?



YouTube: Cyprien looks back on his friendship with Squeezie, who "removed him from his life for two and a half years"

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