Before the negotiations for the spring battle of this year begin in earnest, the central organization of the labor union, the Union, will hold a rally in Tokyo, calling for an increase in the income of workers by raising wages and realizing a virtuous cycle of the economy. I did.

The rally was held in Tokyo on the night of the 3rd, and the situation was distributed on the Internet as an infection control measure.

At the beginning, Chairman Yoshino reiterated the importance of raising wages, saying, "Japan's wage level has been sluggish for more than 20 years. We should raise household income by raising wages, which will lead to increased consumption and economic growth." ..

Subsequently, workers asked for improved treatment, and among them, women working at restaurants said, "The number of customers has decreased significantly due to the influence of the new coronavirus, and part-time workers are not guaranteed stable wages compared to regular employees, which is a big blow. I want you to proceed with the negotiations for the spring battle from the standpoint of a person who works in non-regular employment. "

The declaration was adopted to raise the employment and working conditions of all workers, including those without trade unions.

In this spring battle, labor unions such as automobile and electrical equipment manufacturers will submit a request in the middle of this month and negotiations will begin in earnest, but the focus will be on how far the movement to raise wages will spread.