increasingly strained relationships.

Russia on Thursday ordered the closure of the local office of the German international radio and television station Deutsche Welle and the banning of its programs, in retaliation for the ban on the Russian channel RT from broadcasting in Germany.

Listing the "retaliatory measures" adopted by Moscow, the Russian Foreign Ministry cited in a statement the "closure of the local office" of Deutsche Welle, the "withdrawal of accreditation for all employees" from this office and " interruption of broadcasts" on Russian territory.

A decision deemed "absurd" and "incomprehensible" by Deutsche Welle.

A "first step" in Moscow's retaliatory measures

He also announced the launch of a procedure aimed at recognizing Deutsche Welle as a "foreign agent", an infamous and controversial qualifier already applied to several Russian media critics of the power.

According to the Russian ministry, sanctions are also planned against “representatives of German state and public structures involved in the restriction of the broadcasting of RT”.

The ministry said the measures were a "first step" in Moscow's retaliatory measures, promising another response "in due course".

These sanctions follow the ban by the German regulator ZAK on the Russian channel RT from broadcasting in the local language on its website and on a mobile application.

Its satellite broadcast had already been interrupted in December at the request of the German authorities.

If the regulator assures that “the necessary authorization” for the broadcasting of RT was “neither requested nor granted”, Moscow considers that these measures are “motivated by political considerations”.

“Incomprehensible” and “excessive” measures

The German channel Deutsche Welle (DW) judged this Thursday "absurd" and "incomprehensible" the Russian decision ordering the closure of its office in Moscow and prohibiting its broadcasting in retaliation for the banning of the Russia Today program decided by Germany .

“The measures of the Russian authorities are incomprehensible and excessive,” criticized DW chairman Peter Limburg in a statement.

DW "protests against this absurd reaction", which has not yet been officially notified and promises to "significantly strengthen the coverage" of Russia "even if we must eventually close.



The RT France channel is now available on the Canal+ package


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