Marriage by police order.. He broke his promise to be engaged, so I filed an official complaint

A love story arrives at the police station, in which it becomes clear that the lover is not ready to marry even after a long love affair with an orphan girl.

Here the policemen stood beside the orphan girl, where the officers of the police department held a wedding party at the headquarters of the police station, they organized a concert and the marriage of the accused lover of the girl.

The accident occurred in the Indian village of Kumidpur.

According to police sources, the name of the girl is Sonadevi Singh (23 years), who works in a butter factory, where she met the accused, Shankar Sahani (25 years), where a love relationship developed and reached a promise of marriage, but the lover recently repudiated his promise, so the girl had to She resorted to the police and filed a complaint with her boyfriend that he refuses to marry her, after he broke his promise.

Shankar was immediately called to the police station, here the policemen talked to Shankar for a long time, and in the end the young man was persuaded to marry his lover.

After that, other policemen began preparing for the wedding at the police station, a band was called, and a wedding ceremony was held for the two lovers.

A police officer at the station told the Indian press, "The girl came to the police station crying. She explained that she was an orphan of the parents. After hearing her story, we called the young man to the police station. The young man also understood everything. After that, the orphan's marriage was arranged at the initiative of the police station." .

The local people appreciated this police initiative.

One resident said: "The two lovers lived in love for a long time. But the young man did not want to marry the girl. The girl has no parents. The way the police solved the problem is commendable."

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