For the first time in Jordan, 45 years in prison for those accused of kidnapping women

The High Criminal Court in Jordan, for the first time, issued a sentence of up to 45 years of temporary labor against two defendants who specialize in cases of abduction of women and physical and sexual assault by defendants (A.A.) and (MB) and a third accused (Z.M. ) 40 years old.

In the details, the third panel of the High Criminal Court issued a ruling on Thursday, stressing the right of both the accused (A.A) and the accused (MB) with temporary labor of 45 years, while it sentenced the accused (Z.M) to temporary work for a period of 40 years.

The court incriminated the accused with the felony of indecent assault, the felony of theft, and the felony of attempted murder by complicity and overpowerment, according to the "Roya" website.

According to the court, the criminals had used to kidnap women victims and assault them physically and sexually, and it became clear to it that the criminals had precedents, and given the seriousness of the committed acts, the court intensified the punishment to serve as an example to others.

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