(Beijing Winter Olympics) The city of double Olympics, the "Chinese Year" eagerly welcomes the Winter Olympics

  China News Agency, Beijing, February 1st: The city of double Olympics, eager to welcome the Winter Olympics in the "Chinese Year"

  China News Agency reporter Du Yan

  On February 1, the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, in the cold winter wind, Tiananmen Square welcomed a large number of citizens and tourists to watch the first flag-raising ceremony of the Chinese New Year.

In the center of the square, the giant "Chinese knot" inlaid with the emblem of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is waiting for the opening of an Olympic event.

Data map: On January 20, Beijing Tiananmen Square, the Winter Olympics landscape theme flower bed in the snow.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Yi Haifei

  About 5 kilometers away in Beijing Temple of Heaven Park, many citizens come here to pray for the New Year and the Winter Olympics.

  The Temple of Heaven, in the winter, renews its frontier with the "Olympics".

In 2008, the launch ceremony of the emblem of the 29th Olympic Games was held in front of the Hall of Prayer for New Years, and the lighting ceremony of the Beijing Paralympic Torch Relay was also held at the Temple of Heaven.

From the north gate of the Temple of Heaven Park, the blue line of the marathon route measurement of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has been preserved on the ground.

  14 years later, the mascot "Xue Rongrong" of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games is based on lanterns and uses "Chinese red" as the main color, rendering the festive atmosphere of the Chinese Spring Festival in 2022, and reflecting the fighting spirit and motivation of the Winter Paralympic athletes. World Paralympics concept.

Among them, the continuous pattern formed by the dove of peace and the Temple of Heaven symbolizes peace and friendship and highlights the characteristics of the venue.

  On the first day of the new year, Chinese and foreign media reporters and tourists who came to pray for blessings learned the knowledge of "five grains" and made their own "Five Grains Blessing Pack" with five kinds of grains: "millet, millet, rice, wheat, and shu".

Wu Weishan, director of the National Art Museum of China, and other calligraphers wrote "Fu" for tourists on the spot.

Data map: Tourists visit the Temple of Heaven Park in Beijing.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Tomita

  In front of the Hall of Prayer for New Years, Mr. Gao made many wishes: I hope the epidemic will pass soon, my family will be healthy, and I hope the Winter Olympics will be successfully held.

  Next to the echoing wall, some citizens put their ears against the wall.

On the other side, the companion shouted "to the future together" against the wall.

  In recent years, Beijing has increased the supply of ice and snow venues year by year. As a natural ice rink with a long history in Beijing, Shichahai Ice Rink not only carries the memories of many people's childhood, but also is the choice of many people who have recently entered the check-in place.

Data map: On January 12, people enjoy ice fun at the Shichahai Ice Rink in Beijing.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Cui Nan

  Citizen Chen Qiang and his wife came here to "fly on the ice" on the first day of the new year.

He said that when it snowed when he was a child, he would take out his father's self-made ice car and skate in front of his house. When he grew older, he would go ice skating in Shichahai every year.

  "China has realized its vision of 'driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports', and I am one of them." He wished the Winter Olympic athletes in the Year of the Tiger "the tiger will grow stronger and achieve great results, and I am full of confidence in this."

Data map: On January 28, a volunteer at the Main Media Center of the Beijing Winter Olympics was dressing up as a "Volunteer Home".

Photo by China News Agency reporter He Penglei

  In Beijing, there are 758 urban volunteer service points.

During the Beijing Winter Olympics, it is estimated that 200,000 city volunteers will be employed.

They will provide volunteer services such as personnel guidance, information consultation, language services, civilized publicity, emergency rescue, and cultural dissemination in Beijing, making the city site "the place with the strongest New Year flavor" in China.
