The building is currently known to have served as a police station in

Taxi 1


In February 2023, the new Raid headquarters in Marseille will be inaugurated, currently under construction in the large seaport of the Marseille city, near the Mediterranean Sea.

The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin came on Monday to lay the first stone of this future center, in project since 2016, and which will welcome the twenty members of the Raid next year, currently in smaller premises in the neighborhoods north of Marseilles.

Interventions against terrorism and organized crime

This site, the reconstruction of which will cost six million euros and will be partly financed by the recovery plan, will allow the men of the Raid, according to the minister, "to have much more direct access to the sea, to be able to intervene much more quickly in the event of difficulties, and which will provide much more sympathetic premises to the Raid police officers who are essential to the work against terrorism, but also against organized crime, in particular to fight against drug traffickers”, notes Gérald Darmanin.

“This will allow us to strengthen our presence in France, with the creation of a zonal level, and some additional means, rejoices Jean-Baptiste Dulion, head of the Raid.

The numbers are increasing slightly, with more than twenty men in Marseille, and canine resources.



Alès: Six people in police custody after a major anti-drug operation of the Raid

Miscellaneous facts

Marseille: A man defends himself, a Raid team mobilized

  • Raid

  • Marseilles

  • Police

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