Green juice dissolves fat in an amazing way.. and burns calories at a faster pace

Visceral fat is often called “hidden fat” because it is located in the center of the body, where it cannot be touched or seen, and this condition may put sufferers at risk of heart attacks because it envelops vital organs in the body, and a green drink can secrete these harmful fats and help To get rid of them and burn calories quickly, which is coriander juice.

One of the main risks of visceral fat is the production of more proteins called cytokines, which lead to inflammation, which in turn increases the risk of other chronic diseases. It aids digestion, and has anti-diabetic and anti-cancer functions.

She explained that coriander juice is reputed to help lose weight quickly, as it increases your metabolism, thus burning more calories at a faster pace.

She added, "You may not like the taste, but mixing it with lemon juice improves the flavor and gives more effect."

In one study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Biology, researchers investigated the effects of dietary supplementation with coriander seeds on fat storage in visceral adipose tissue in growing mice.

The rodents were fed either a standard food for rats or a standard food supplemented with ground coriander seeds.

After five weeks, the researchers noticed a marked difference in visceral fat between the different rodents.

"While supplementation with coriander did not affect the fat content of the liver, it did significantly increase the amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in visceral adipose tissue, where it also decreased the fatty acid content," the researchers said.

Coriander increased the levels of omega-3 and omega-6 in visceral adipose tissue, which may explain its health benefits.

The results are consistent with a study published in the journal Animal and Veterinary Advances, which confirmed the weight loss benefits of cilantro.

One of the limitations of both studies mentioned is that they were conducted on animals, so more research is needed to determine the clinical relevance of coriander juice for treating visceral fat in humans. Helps control blood sugar.

Regular exercise is the most logical way to lose weight, and Harvard Health recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity on most days of the week, such as brisk walking or cycling at a pace, and people with chronic diseases should refer to their doctor before choosing specific foods to include in the diet.

Foods that make up soluble fiber are also beneficial for losing visceral fat because they promote prolonged satiety.

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