The scattered support of Europeans for Ukraine

Audio 7:30 p.m.

A convoy of Russian armored vehicles moves along a highway in Crimea, Tuesday, January 18, 2022. © AP

By: Frederique Lebel

1 min

Ukraine always at the center of all international negotiations.

On the one hand, France and Germany who want to renew the dialogue with Russia and advocate de-escalation.

On the other, the United Kingdom, which instead asks NATO to strengthen itself with “ 

a major deployment of troops of combat aircraft and warships in Europe



Just a month ago the European representative for foreign affairs and security made the trip to the Ukrainian front line in the east of the country.

But it will take more to convince the Ukrainians that their country has the capacity to defend itself.

This is the report by 

Stephane Siohan

, our correspondent in Ukraine. 

Among the countries most reluctant to a dialogue with Moscow, we must count Poland, but also the Baltic countries

, direct neighbors of Russia.

In this region of the world which was formerly part of the Soviet Union, we look with a very suspicious and even worried eye on all projects for European strategic autonomy. 

Marielle Vitureau

, our correspondent in Vilnius.

The European eye of Franceline Beretti: the Italian presidential election

And finally, he agreed to stay.

Sergio Mattarella, President of the Italian Republic, is back for a new mandate

after a week of long negotiations which almost degenerated into a political crisis.

Because the election of an Italian-style president is as complex as it is strewn with pitfalls... 

A telephone service for the deaf and hard of hearing

Notify the school that your child is sick, cancel a taxi, find out about a delivery that does not arrive... So many steps that are increasingly frequent during the pandemic and which are done by telephone, a real headache. head for the deaf or hard of hearing.

This is why Austria has set up a telephone interpreting service.

A service that seeks to develop.

This is the report in Vienna by 

Céline Béal



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  • Ukraine

  • Italy

  • Austria

  • Lithuania

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