中新网昆明1月31日电 (记者 胡远航)31日晚,随着中国昆明、斯里兰卡科伦坡、马来西亚吉隆坡三地被同步点亮,2022年“四海情长久·五洲共春晖”跨国新春文艺晚会暨春节文化交流系列活动正式拉开帷幕。

图为“春暖花开”跨国新春文艺晚会演出剧照。 李嘉娴 摄



图为中共云南省委常委、省委宣传部部长曾艳致辞。 主办方供图




图为“象”往云南——美丽中国 七彩云南视频及图片线上展展出作品。 主办方供图





  At the party, artists of all ethnic groups in Yunnan not only brought Hani group dance "Oriental Tap", Yi dance "Happy New Year Taste", Tibetan women's group dance "Origin" and "Phoenix Flying Sky" adapted from the Dai intangible cultural heritage dance "Jin Na Luo". In addition to other traditional programs, he also created the sound work "Sound into the Ear" showing the life and production of people of all ethnic groups in Yunnan, the song "Who Comes for the Caravans in the Mountains", which combines Yunnan national music and reggae music, and sang the tenacity of the people of Ruili against resistance. Epidemic's adaptation of the song "See the Smoke Again" and so on.

  Artists from South Asia and Southeast Asia also presented special programs such as the Malaysian dance "Pulse Rainforest", the Sri Lankan dance "Auspicious Light", the Thai dance "Changjia Dance", and the Indonesian song "The Heart of the Stars".

  It is worth mentioning that, empowered by the "cloud", this event also focuses on the cultural core of the Chinese Spring Festival, and vividly displays the folk customs, folk music and intangible cultural heritage of China, especially Yunnan, through documentaries, short videos, online exhibitions and other forms. Wait.

The picture shows a still from the Lunar New Year documentary "The Chinese New Year of "Foreign Son-in-law".

Photo courtesy of the organizer

  Among them, 3 "Meeting in Spring" New Year documentaries, with 3 scenes of "The Chinese New Year of the "Foreign Son-in-law", "The Bull and the Tiger and the "Bronze" Celebrating the New Year', and "New Year's Eve Dinner in the Hometown of Overseas Chinese", show "It is good to celebrate the New Year in Yunnan" The beautiful picture of “Feasting in the Clouds”, a series of short videos of skillful New Year dishes, launched the special New Year dishes practices of 16 cities in Yunnan, which is expected to set off the climax of “learning to cook Yunnan dishes” in the cloud; "Going to Yunnan - Beautiful China Colorful Yunnan Video and Pictures Online Exhibition, in the muttering of a cartoon Asian baby elephant - "A Letter to Humanity", leading friends at home and abroad to appreciate the nature of Yunnan Spirit, picturesque scenery and simple folk customs.

  Including Sri Lanka's "Daily News" (Daily News), NewsWire, Neth FM, Malaysia-China Insight (Malaysia-China Insight), Malaysia's National News Agency, Myanmar "Golden Phoenix", Silk Road New Observation Russian Network, "Today's Silk Road" "Road" (Kazakh version) and other media and institutions in South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and West Asia, and broadcast the event in a cluster.
