Egypt.. Communication sites are buzzing with a video of saving two dogs from death (watch)


Social networking sites in Egypt were buzzing with a video of two dogs being rescued from death after they were locked up on one of the balcony of an apartment in Maadi.

And spread on the communication sites, a video clip of an influential scene, showing the rescue of two dogs from death, after the owner of the apartment locked them inside the balcony and closed the apartment door from the outside without food.

After the pioneers of the social networking site shared the video clip, and the horrific pictures of two dogs who appeared to be malnourished and whose bones appeared under the skin, the parents succeeded in saving the two dogs from dying of cold and starvation, using a crane to reach the balcony, and they were able to rescue them and take them down from the balcony, after a whole week of imprisonment.

According to the newspaper, "Sada Al-Balad," many of the pioneers of the communication sites praised what a group of young people and families did, and praised their work with comments, including "the world is still good."

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