A famous artist was killed by her husband and her body was found inside a bag... and an artist was involved in the crime

Actress Rima Islam Shimo, whose body was found in a bag on Monday, was brutally murdered and after hours of rigorous interrogation by Bangladesh police, her husband Shachat Ali Noble has admitted his involvement in the murder case.

Now, he is in pretrial detention for 3 days.

Earlier, a statement from the Dhaka Metropolitan Police revealed that the reason behind Shemo's death was most likely a family feud and her husband confessed to the killing while being questioned by the local police.

Kiraniganj police said Shimo Noble's husband and one of his friends, Abdullah Farhad, had been taken into custody for further questioning.

Meanwhile, several reports in the Bangladeshi media indicate that there may be an influential actor involved in this case, but the police have not confirmed anything about it.

Rima Islam Shimo's body was sent to Sir Salimullah Medical College Hospital for autopsy earlier on Tuesday as it showed several signs of injury.

An initial investigation indicated that the actress was killed elsewhere and her body was later dumped near a bridge in Kiraniganj.

Shimo was living with her husband and child and disappeared Sunday morning.

Later, her family filed missing notes on the suspicion that something wasn't right.

The veteran actress made her debut in the movie Bartaman in 1998 and since then has acted in as many as 25 films and a few TV shows as well.

She was also a member of the Bangladeshi Film Artists Association.

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