An investigation was opened Saturday after the death during the night of a man taken care of in a hospital in Tours for serious injuries caused a priori by stabbing, we learned from the Tours public prosecutor's office.

Aged 22 or 23, the victim was, during the night, "transported by a person to the hospital with a priori stab wounds", indicated the public prosecutor of Tours Grégoire Dulin.

who clarified that the person died in hospital.

An investigation was opened for "intentional homicide", added the prosecutor.

The magistrate was not able to specify the number of blows struck on the victim.

The autopsy "will take place a priori Monday", according to him.

"The hypothesis of the use of a saber or a bayonet"

The man, who could be identified, was taken care of "between 11:30 p.m. and midnight" at the Alliance Saint-Cyr clinic located in the agglomeration of Tours and "died between 11:30 p.m. and half past midnight," said Grégoire Flax.

According to a police source, the victim presented "significant wounds which pierced him through and through".

"The hypothesis of the use of a saber or a bayonet" was raised by the emergency services, added this source.

The driver also said he was traveling by car when the victim appeared in front of him in the town of La Riche and begged him to drive him to the hospital, according to the same source, specifying that the Judicial Police of Tours is capture.

On Saturday morning, three people were in police custody, including the driver who drove the deceased man to hospital.

According to the prosecutor, who was not able to specify the profile of the victim and the motive, the prosecution and investigators "are studying all the hypotheses".

This young person belonged to "a family respected by all at La Riche"

According to the mayor DVG de La Riche Wilfried Schwartz, this young person belonged to "a family respected by all at La Riche".

While recalling the "close and regular work" carried out between the national police and his municipality "to fight against violence and delinquency", the councilor also indicated wanting to seize the Minister of Justice, in a press release.

The elected leftist demanded "that the justice services, absent for many months, come back to the table" of the operational steering group (GPO) which brings together the police and the municipality and coordinates public actions.

Calling his constituents "calm", Wilfried Schwartz said he expected "unwavering support from the institutions of the Republic".


Lyon: A young man hit with several stab wounds in Croix-Rousse


Roubaix: Is video protection the fatal weapon against delinquency?

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