(Fighting New Coronary Pneumonia) Guangxi Dongxing Cases Increased to 17 Cases The Working Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council went to Guangxi

  China News Service, Fangchenggang, December 25 (Zhai Liqiang) From 7:00 on December 24 to 12:00 on December 25, 3 new local confirmed cases were added in Dongxing City, Guangxi. There are currently 17 local confirmed cases.

Dongxing City officials announced on the 25th the trajectory of multiple cases, involving bars, wedding banquets, farmer's markets and other places.

  On the same day, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council of China sent a working group to Guangxi to guide the handling of the epidemic.

  At a press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic held on the evening of the 25th, Sun Zhike, director of the Dongxing Municipal Health Bureau, said that the local area will continue to strengthen flow coordination and nucleic acid testing, and accurately trace, manage, control, and isolate sources. Ensure that no one person or household is missed.

At the same time, strengthen the management of closed areas and front-line border guards, maintain a high-pressure anti-smuggling situation, fight snakeheads, block passages, break chains, and destroy networks, increase maritime patrol prevention and control efforts and technical defense capabilities, and resolutely block illegal entry at sea ( Smuggling) channels, and effectively prevent the importation of overseas epidemics.

  Officials here said that in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic, all elementary and middle schools and kindergartens in Dongxing City are currently suspended. The epidemic prevention and control work of the existing 28 elderly care institutions is carried out in strict accordance with regulations. Marriage registration is suspended. The banquet is not held.

  Lei Haichao, head of the Guangxi working group of the State Council's Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism Comprehensive Group and deputy director of the National Health Commission, pointed out that Guangxi is bordered by foreign countries, connected by land and sea, and has many border epidemic control points, long lines, and wide coverage. There are also marine prevention and control, and the risks, challenges, and pressures of import prevention are very prominent.

  He said that the working group will work together with the districts and cities to control the epidemic to the smallest scope and scale in the shortest time.

It is hoped that the local area will make every effort to ensure that the Dongxing epidemic will not spread without delay, achieve zero spillover, zero infection of front-line prevention and control staff, and zero deaths in clinical treatment, and strive to control the social risk of the epidemic in an incubation period, and the number of cases will not increase significantly, as soon as possible. Restore economic and social development and the order of residents’ lives and production.
