On December 17, the selection and commendation meeting of the democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and people without party affiliation for their contribution to the building of a well-off society in an all-round way was held in Beijing.

At the meeting, 100 advanced collectives, 96 advanced individuals, 50 outstanding achievements in advice and suggestions, and 50 outstanding achievements in social services were commended.

  Li Baoguo, a nonpartisan who was commended for outstanding achievements in social services, said in an interview that the black land in the Northeast contributes a quarter of China’s total grain output and one third of the commodity grain. It is very important to China’s food security. It is also the Northeast. Agricultural modernization is the foundation of rural revitalization in the Northeast.

  Li Baoguo said that the protection of black land and the use of innovative protective farming technologies can not only increase grain production and stabilize production, but also help farmers get rid of poverty and become rich, promote regional rural economic development, and boost rural revitalization.

(Reporter Shan Lu and Wang Chao produced Le Xiaomin)

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】