Kuwait: There is no decision regarding suspension or withdrawal of driving licenses for expatriates

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior confirmed that there is no decision or circular issued regarding the suspension or withdrawal of driving licenses for residents, and that everything that was circulated through social media is incorrect.

The ministry added, in a statement, that what happened is nothing but a routine routine procedure carried out by the General Directorate of Information Systems in coordination with the General Directorate of Traffic to redevelop the system and update the data of the issued licenses to confirm that the conditions listed in Ministerial Resolution No. 270 / 2020 are met, through the process of replacing driving licenses. The old ones with the new smart licenses, according to Al-Qabas newspaper.

And the ministry's statement continued, that whoever is proven to have obtained a driver's license by illegal means, his license will be withdrawn and legal measures will be taken in this regard.

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